winfredraj 16:13
msiism I'm having problems using code interpolation to print types of values: 20:33
So, `WHAT($x)` doesn't return a string then? 20:34
nahita3882 yeah it returns a type object 20:36
.^name might be in order as the warning suggests
or .raku on the WHAT of it 20:37
msiism I see, thanks. 20:40
Passing it to `say` raw will do for me. 20:49
nahita3882 yeah it implicitly calls .gist (but print/put .Str-ingifies, so they would fail too) 20:52
msiism Interesting. 21:06
librasteve m: for 5, <1/2>, pi, True, "yo" -> $x { say ~$x, $x.WHAT } 22:20
Raku eval 5(Int) 0.5(Rat) 3.141592653589793(Num) True(Bool) yo(Str)