colemanx I am getting an error, this class method is not found: 00:02
specifically "No such method 'from-args' for invocant of type 'App::Kubedee'" 00:03
here is my class... or what I'm hoping is a class 00:04
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
gfldex colemanx: did you try `is export`? 00:33
colemanx That doesn't work if I put if I do `unit class App::Kubedee is export;` 00:34
.new works, so it seems like the class itself is visible from my script in bin/ 00:36
but of course you get a .new by default
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Hydrazer is it possible to make a reverse polish notation operator with subroutine? for example ``` 14:42
324 43 $@%
``` gives me `324 + 43` which would be `367`
is it possible to make a reverse polish notation operator with subroutine? for example ```
324 43 $@%
``` gives me `324 div 43` which would be `7`
is it possible to make a reverse polish notation operator with subroutine? for example ``` 14:47
say 324 43 $@%
``` gives me `324 div 43` which would be `7`
lizmat m: sub rp(\a, \b, \op) { ::("&infix:<" ~ op ~ ">")(a,b) }; say rp 42, 137, "+" # the closest that comes to mind 14:48
camelia 179
lakmatiol as far as I can tell, this is impossible with a postfix operator, but you could make `rp <1 3 5 + ->` work for example 14:52
lizmat yup, you could :-) 14:54
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