lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: 13:55
Nemokosch I have a two-element array. How do I pass it to `cmp`? 15:57
lizmat m: my @a = 1,2; say infix:<cmp>(|@a) 16:08
camelia Less
Nemokosch yes, a bit later I realized this way is on 16:24
I wonder if it's possible in a postfix way, though
lizmat if you find a way, let me know :-) 16:26
Nemokosch I tend to prefer the postfix, method-looking chaining, I find it more readable 16:28
but it seems to me that comes with serious limitations regarding the signatures the runtime can infer
thowe The duplicates I find on confuse me... When I search for DNS and fine 2 Net::DNS modules, what am I looking at? Are they the same? If not, which one gets installed when I install with zef? 17:21
one says zef:RBT the other cpan:RBT so, what's the distinction? I'm assuming same code as they point to same github repo 17:24
lizmat thowe: that indicates a module that has been migrated off CPAN to the zef ecosystem 17:41
The CPAN versions are older versions (generally) 17:42
thowe Ah, OK. Thank you.
lizmat that's also the reason why I'm listed twice in Prolific Authors 17:43
but soon no more, since zef now also supports the REA as a backpan, so I can remove my modules from CPAN safely now 17:44
m_athias good evening everyone! is there some syntactic sugar to look 'one ahead' in a for loop? 17:54
thowe I don't know what sugar would be, but obviously if you have an iterator you can point one ahead. I'm guessing you know that and it isn't what you want. But it not using the list or array with an iterator, I'm not sure the loop is aware of the entire list in order to look ahead on it, no? 18:05
m_athias thats what I'll probably end up using. I was just wondering if there is something 'nicer' around. 18:25
Nemokosch I'm not sure how much performance matters to you but there is the "ziptail" functionality 18:27
m: (0..*) Z (1..*) andthen .head(10).say 18:28
m: (0..\*) Z (1..\*) andthen .head(10).say
nevermind the error, I edited the message to make it readable
so yeah, if you have some iterable $x, you can do 18:30
$x Z $x.skip
and get a new iterable that contains neighborous values as elements 18:31
thowe how do I turn this into a one liner without it being choked on? "[10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500].map: { put $_ ~ ' is ' ~ ($_ * 1024 * 1.05) };" 18:52
gfldex m: .say for (^10).rotor(2=>-1) -> $c, $n { „current: $c, next: $n“ }; 20:56
camelia current: 0, next: 1
current: 1, next: 2
current: 2, next: 3
current: 3, next: 4
current: 4, next: 5
current: 5, next: 6
current: 6, next: 7
current: 7, next: 8
current: 8, next: 9
gfldex m_athias: ^^^
Nemokosch that's the same as $z Z $z.skip for the most part 21:05
there was a very good presentation on the raku conference last year
gfldex Does that work with `Seq` and `HyperSeq`? 21:07
Nemokosch It definitely works with Seq and I'm not sure if I know what HyperSeq even is 21:13
gfldex The things that drops out of `.hyper`.
m:``` 21:16
my \a = (^∞).hyper.grep(*.is-prime);
.say for a Z a.skip;
m:``` 21:17
my @a = lazy (^∞).hyper.grep(*.is-prime);
.say for @a Z @a.skip;
That works but there is some reification going on, what might be undesirable. 21:18
Nemokosch what is reification? 21:22
MasterDuke in this case, not skipping the potentially skippable parts of a lazy sequence 21:25
gfldex `@a` will retain values that are already computed. Those values may fill up all your RAMs, what can cause problems down the road. If you use a subscript of `[1_000_000]` you will get the one millionth prime and all primes before that until `@a` goes out of scope. 21:32
Nemokosch tbh I don't really get the meaning of hypering 21:34
is this about the auto-threading?
gfldex yes
Nemokosch okay, nice 21:39