This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
habere-et-disper Can one defined constants together? 13:29
m: constant ($foo, $bar) = 3, 4
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing initializer on constant declaration
at <tmp>:1
------> constant⏏ ($foo, $bar) = 3, 4
habere-et-disper s/defined/define :-) 13:38
Nemokosch I think it boils down to the behavior of `constant` 13:45
deoac Is it possible to have multi-dispatch when there's a 'slurpy' in the signature? 14:53
``` 14:54
our proto foo ( | ) { * }
multi foo (Str $bar!, $*args) { ... }
multi foo (Str $bar!, Str $baz!, $*args) { ... }
BTW, I also like the `forgiven` idea :-)
Nemokosch deoac: first off, you know that $*args is a _dynamic variable_, not any sort of slurpy? 15:45
I think you were thinking of **@args (or *@args, if you want the extra part to be flattened)
deoac Yes, sorry about the typo 17:08
Let me try again... 17:22
How can I get the following to work?  `$baz` always gets swallowed by `*@args` in the first version of `foo` 17:24
`our proto foo ( | ) { * }
multi foo (Str $bar!, *@args) { ... }
multi foo (Str $bar!, Str $baz!, *@args) { ... } `
Nemokosch Are you sure the order of declaration doesn't matter? I don't know the rules by heart 17:56
deoac Positional arguments have to go before slurpy arguments. 19:59
From :Note that positional parameters aren't allowed after slurpy (or, in fact, after any type of variadic) parameters: 20:00
:(*@args, $last);
# ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling:
# Cannot put required parameter $last after variadic parameters
guifa So the problem is that the for your foo(), Str Str Int matches BOTH signatures 20:21
what is the type of things you're slurping into @args ? 20:22
If they're Str, it's an ambiguous signature (unless called with a single Str). If there's some way to show what valid values of baz are, you could do Str $baz where { … } which would cause that signature to be more specific, and it would take priority in dispatch 20:24
deoac Yes, the `where` idea could work.  Thank youu. 21:00
Nemokosch I think if it doesn't take priority, the order of declaration would decide 21:06
(not the order of arguments, mind you) 21:07
gfldex m: multi sub foo(Int $a, *@a) { say 1 }; multi sub foo(Int $a, | (Int $b, *@a)) { say 2 }; foo 1,2,3; foo 1, 'zwei', 3; 21:53
camelia 2
gfldex guifa_: please note ^^^ (maybe a bug tho) 21:54
trentj How would I initialize an array of 10 zeros without typing `0` ten times? 21:58
gfldex m: @a = 0 xx 10; dd @a; 22:00
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '@a' is not declared. Perhaps you forgot a 'sub' if this was
intended to be part of a signature?
at <tmp>:1
------> <BOL>⏏@a = 0 xx 10; dd @a;
gfldex m: my @a = 0 xx 10; dd @a;
camelia Array @a = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
trentj perfection 22:02
gfldex m: my @a is default(0); say @a[^10];
camelia (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
gfldex you can also initialise without initialising. :) 22:03
trentj ah! I was wondering about that too, nice. 22:04
I wrote a lot of Perl 5 once upon a time but this is a new adventure. 22:06
Nemokosch m: my Numeric @a[10] is default(0); 22:24
oops, wrong example 22:25
this, on the other hand:
m: my Numeric @a[10] = 0 xx *
oh right, this is not the repl...
m: my Numeric @a[10] = 0 xx *; dd @a;
<@541404250668924941> this is, for example, constrained to this particular size 22:26
trentj interesting 22:31