This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
00:12 tea3po left 00:13 tea3po joined 01:07 tea3po left 01:08 tea3po joined 01:22 MasterDuke joined 03:46 hythm joined 05:52 hythm left 07:55 dakkar joined 11:40 tea3po left, tea3po joined 11:41 tea3po left 11:42 tea3po joined
antononcube Yeah, also known as the "ZOMG trick." 14:14
nemokosch ZOMG - handle it! 14:33
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Dr.Doom 0...^@a.elems amy shorter way of achiving the same ? 18:05
Nahita ^@a 18:11
^ as a prefix operator eases writing ranges starting at 0 18:12
^$n is the same as 0..$n
lizmat 0..$n-1
not 0..$n
Nahita sorry 18:13
^$n is the same as 0..^$n 18:14
lizmat indeed :-) 18:17
Nahita also idk if that's your intention or not but usually people don't iterate over those indices of 0 to array_length as we do in C. Rather the arrays themselves are iterable so the "foreach" loop is there like for @a -> $val { ... }. If one wants the indices still, there is @a.kv to give the "key"s of the array, i.e., 0 to $n-1 as well as the "value"s of the array, i.e., the elements themselves. Like for @a.kv -> 18:26
$idx, $val { ... }. Noting that .kv actually gives 2*$n length of a Sequence like (0, @a[0], 1, @a[1], ..., $n-1, @a[$n-1]) but the block attached to that for loop requests 2 things at a time, so this sequence is consumed 2 things at a time to work as expected.
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