This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
rcmlz How do I find the maximum of consecutive integers with the same sign in a list? E.g. (1,4,-3,-6,5,6) shall be converted to (4,-3,6). Can I use one of the build in list-features to get a one-liner or is the „AI generated way“ like here the only way? 07:09
I was thinking of .categorize or .classify but can not get my head around how to „split“ on changing sign. 07:30
(1,2,3,-1,-2,-3,3,2,1) => (3,-1,3) 07:32
(1,2,3,-1,-2,-3,3,2,1) => ((1,2,3), (-1,-2,-3), (3,2,1)) => (3,-1,3) is what I have in mind 07:34
librasteve rcmlz: are you an AI? 10:13
rcmlz Not yet ;-) 10:14
librasteve the example you link to looks like AI code to me 10:15
rcmlz But I am preparing lectures for pupils that shall solve programming task using ChatGPT & Co.
The idea is that the pupils "translate" to task into something that they can feed into an AI to get some code that solves the task. I work with Raku, however, I noticed that once you have a working solution in one language, translating into another one (e.g. Rust, Python, ...) works surprisingly well 10:16
librasteve like most of the AI code I get ... the example is wrong ... it says Output: (4 -3 6) but the actual output is (1 4) 10:17
rcmlz Yes, that is the same issue as when you ask an AI to write an essay about something - you gotta check the details. 10:18
librasteve and a reasonably good coder can do this in a line or two
rcmlz But you have a good starting point.
librasteve not 23 lines
rcmlz Thats why I was asking - I tried using ChatGPT and to convert a working version into this "one or two lines", but they failed. 10:19
I e.g. asked e.g. how to split a list of integers on sign change in Raku? Example: (1,2,3,-1,-2,-3,3,2,1) is converted to ((1,2,3), (-1,-2,-3), (3,2,1)) and got sub split_on_sign_change(@list) { my %classified = @list.classify(*.sign); my @result = %classified.values; return @result; } my @input = (1, 2, 3, -1, -2, -3, 3, 2, 1); say split_on_sign_change(@input); # Output: ((1 2 3) (-1 -2 -3) 10:21
(3 2 1)) which looks got but is wrong.
However, if a student would come up with such a solution in an exam - would you give 0 points? 10:22
librasteve I would check if the code works according to the tests 10:23
rcmlz Same here!
I am using RakuChatbook from @antononcube and intend to grade "the process" from the task (things you find on to a working solution in a given language that fullfills (all) testcases. So the Jupyter notebook akts like a log. 10:33
PS: I can not. 10:35
librasteve yeah - bit trickier than I thought at first ... whirr 10:37
rcmlz In case you like to see the related task: 10:41
So the students "achievement" would be to summarize this lengthy mathematical description to "how to split a list of integers on sign change in Raku? Example: (1,2,3,-1,-2,-3,3,2,1) is converted to ((1,2,3), (-1,-2,-3), (3,2,1))" 10:42
lakmatiol This specific operation is really painful in raku, python has itertools.groupby for it, but raku has nothing similar. Ran into it before when trying to do RLE 10:55
librasteve 11:22
^^ ouch that hurt ... and my solution is (errr) 23 lines 11:23
I welcome our AI overlords
_____________________________._. Using a preview feature I got this use v6.e.PREVIEW; @input = (-1, 2, 3, -1, -2, -3, 3, 2, 1); say @input.snip( (|( * >= 0, * < 0 ) xx Inf).skip(@input[0] < 0) )>>.max; 11:29
snip takes a list of matchers and splits the original list till they're exhausted 11:31
librasteve oooo 11:32
Nahita another way (much less elegant than snip-based solution) >>> my @a = (1, 4, -3, -6, 5, 6) [1 4 -3 -6 5 6] >>> my @groups = @a>>.sign.rotor(2 => -1)* - * != 0).Array.prepend(0).produce(&[+]) [0 0 1 1 2 2] >>> @a.classify({ @groups[$++] }){^@groups.tail.succ}>>.max (4 -3 6) - get the signs of each element, then take the difference (of signs) - check if the consecutive difference in signs are 0 or 11:36
not - take the cumulative sum of whether-me-and-neighbor-are-same; this will in effect form the consecutive groups - prepending 0 to account for the [0]th element as well, as the difference disregards it - classifiy the original using these group indicators - classify gives a Hash which is inherently unordered, so we take care to extract the groups in order via a range 0 .. max-group-no - then take the max of
each group and report another way (third party) >>> my @a = (1, 4, -3, -6, 5, 6) [1 4 -3 -6 5 6] >>> use Iter::Able <group-conseq> >>> @a ==> group-conseq(:as(&sign)) ==> map(*.value.max) (4 -3 6)
rcmlz Oh, cool! snip and Iter::Able are very elegant - so @librasteve was right with this „good programmer can do it“ hypothese :-) Thank you all. 11:40
librasteve since we are comparing vs. Python IterTools, I think that use Iter::Able is very frair
I can't find this Iter::Able on and zef install Iter::Able fails too 11:44
~ > zef install Iter::Able ===> Searching for: Iter::Able No candidates found matching identity: Iter::Able 11:45
nahita: can you tell me how to install this, please? 11:48
Nahita uh, it's not a published module sorry, only lives on github yet 11:51
librasteve oh - that explains it!
this is a really cool module and I look forward to its release on fez or similar 11:55
Nahita thanks! there are close to 30 functions, I thought close to 50 would be better to release it, I have some list of functions to implement, I write it time to time 12:00
lakmatiol Itertools are standard library 12:05
Snip seems nice though
librasteve forgive me - when I see the line from itertools import groupby in the python header, that makes it look like a module you have to import rather than in the standard library - my bad 12:28
lakmatiol some modules are in the standard library, some modules are in pypi, you gotta just memorise which is which 12:54
IG it is interesting that raku doesn't have any standard modules, every module is 3rd party.
librasteve yes - i don't know the history, but my guess is that Python started very lean and mean and that the "standard libraries" have been moved into the core distribution over time ... I think the idea of raku was to start with a much bigger set of build in functions / operators from day one ... but some areas like this have some gaps ... I would vote for a groupby-consec in the raku core ... but also happy to 13:00
live with the Iter::Able since it seems to be a bit of an edge case
lakmatiol nah, python started with a whole lot of standard library modules, just separated in some units, similar to how just about every language does it (C std* headers, C++ <array> <vector> ..., Java import java.nio.Path, haskell, prolog (though some systems will autoimport things), ) etc 13:03
librasteve til
antononcube @rcmlz Using classify does adhere to the problem formulation: > How to split a list of integers on sign change in Raku? > Example: (1,2,3,-1,-2,-3,3,2,1) is converted to ((1,2,3), (-1,-2,-3), (3,2,1)). because it says the list to be split, but not that the (implied) order of elements to be preserved. 14:03
And the example, is "not enough" to imply that "element order condition." 14:04
As for LLMs -- more precisely OpenAI's ChatGPT -- if functions (or tools) are used one can formulate verification tests for the solutions. Meaning, ChatGPT can come up with multiple Raku programs and give as a result the one that passes the tests. 14:06
This is not currently implemented in "WWW::OpenAI". It is in my TODO list, but that tools feature does not always work in the projects I am doing, so it is of relatively low priority. 14:07
Of course, we can have a chat with the LLM and get the solution we want at some point. (Maybe.) 14:08
rcmlz Yes, that would be an interesting option: define (with help of LLM) a sufficient test set, specifying edge cases precisely and ask for a function that passes the full set of tests - skipping this intermediate conversation steps about incorrect syntax and not correct algorithm. The equivalent in social since would be to ask LLM for an „essay on topic X with no errors and only valid literature references“. 19:11
Students dream !!!
Correct - my fault. Thats the reason the task description is usually 100 instead of 2 lines of mathematical wording. 19:15