This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
Tirifto m: for 1..9 { my %h = :a, :b, :c, :d; for %h { .key.print; %h<d>:delete }; say “” } 19:10
camelia cba
Tirifto I suppose hashes are not meant to be messed with while they’re being iterated over with ‘for’? 19:13
librasteve nss
Tirifto ~~ not so simple ? :o 19:14
librasteve no shit sherlock
(sorry that was a bit harsh)
Tirifto Ah, elementary it is. xP 19:15
librasteve XD 19:16
or, as lizmat would say, doctor it hurts when I do that
nahita3882 what's the reason &postcircumfix:<( )> is not accessible like this? 19:18
works for {} and []
Tirifto (No harm done! c: I reckon this might be common sense, but I tend to imagine Raku as a hyperbolic land of endless possibilities, so I had to check. xP)
nahita3882 m: &postcircumfix:<( )> 19:19
Raku eval Exit code: 1 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/glot/main.raku Undeclared routine: postcircumfix:<( )> used at line 1. Did you mean 'postcircumfix:<{ }>', 'postcircumfix:<[ ]>', 'postcircumfix:<[; ]>', 'postcircumfix:<{; }>'?
lizmat nahita3882 possibly because postcircumfix ( ) is really a syntactic construct
although I don't see a reason why it couldn't exist 19:20
nahita3882 i see thanks 19:21
lizmat m: sub postcircumfix:<( )>($callable, |c) { $callable(|c) }; &postcircumfix:<( )>({ say "foo: $_" }, 42) 19:23
camelia foo: 42 19:24
librasteve Tirifto: you made me wonder whether other languages lock out the iterand - and whether raku (like perl) is deliberately relaxed since there may be certain self-referential code (aka footguns) that you could do (but would want to)
Tirifto I don’t think I’ve tried, other than maybe Citrine, where I think it worked. `o` 19:28
Assuming I want to iterate over some values (ordered or not), but might decide while iterating that I shan’t be needing to look at some of those values any more, is there a straightforward way for me to exclude those values from iteration? Or might I be better off recording such values in a SetHash (for example) and skipping them over as they come? 19:35
lizmat there's "last" in loops ? 19:47
Tirifto Yes, but that always skips over all the remaining values, rather than only excluding a select few, no? 19:49
lizmat "next if $not-applicable" 19:55
Tirifto Very well! 20:49