This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
greenfork Is this OK that with this signature: `multi sub infix:<mod>(Int:D $a, Int:D $b --> Int:D)`, I can do the following 11:53
m: say 10.3 mod 3.3
camelia 0.4
greenfork And this is equivalent to
m: say 10.3 % 3.3
camelia 0.4
lizmat m: dd (10.3).WHAT 11:54
camelia Rat
lizmat m: dd (10.3).WHAT ~~ Int
camelia Bool::False
lizmat greenfork: a Rat is not an Int, so that signature will not be selected
greenfork Documentation says: Integer modulo operator. Returns the remainder of an integer modulo operation. 11:57
I'm confused why it says "Integer"
lizmat greenfork: this appears to be a recent change: 12:02
that apparently didn't make it to the documentation yet
greenfork I see, thank you! 12:06
lizmat having said that, it feels that: 12:09
m: say 10.3 mod 3.3
camelia 0.4
lizmat is wrong, I'd expect it to produce 1, like 12:10
m: say 10 mod 3
camelia 1
lizmat as opposed to %
m: say 10.3 % 3.3
camelia 0.4
greenfork I agree, if mod and div are similar, then the behavior should be like for div 12:15
m: say 10.3 / 3.3
camelia 3.121212
greenfork m: say 10.3 div 3.3
camelia 3
lizmat greenfork: you might want to re-open or make a new problem solving issue for that: 12:22
greenfork lizmat: I will do so, sure 12:24
lizmat ++greenfork
greenfork lizmat: I added a comment to the same issue, but I can't re-open it 12:50
lizmat reopened now, thanks! 12:51
user1729 Hi, quick question, what's the raku way / equivalent of Can of course write something, but feels like the sort of thing raku'd have built in 13:24
lizmat perhaps ? 13:26
user1729 Ah, yup, that'll work. Thanks. I don't imagine I'd have come across that with what I was searching for in the documentation 13:34
lizmat perhaps someone should write a Go -> Raku nutshell guide :-)
user1729 A migartion guide covering an entire standard library would be quite the task 13:42
lizmat agree... :-)
rcmlz @antononcube - would that be to conpkex to ask LLM for? Will an LLM come up with all the toggle/snatch/snitch/rotor/categorize/25-strange-things-more stuff you do not find easily in other languages? 14:48
antononcube @rcmlz I have done a few experiments with that -- YMMV, a lot! 14:51
@rcmlz Basically, converting simple Python libraries to Raku works, but you still have to correct/change between 5% to 20% of the generated code. Converting Raku librarires to Python also kind of, sort of works. Again, manual changes are needed. 14:53
I think it really depends on the problem domain. In a few cases, I was considering not converting an existing library to Raku, but make a new Raku library for the same functionalities from scratch using LLM-support. 14:54
Over-developed Python libraries are hard to convert. I could not easily convert into maningful -- to me -- Raku code Python LLM libraries released by OpenAI, Google, or MistralAI. 14:56
rcmlz ChatGPT proposes a grep based solution. Probability nit enough toggle-solutions in the trainingdata …. :-( 15:00
lizmat yeah, toggle is pretty new
grep will work, with a "last" if you're done
rcmlz But interestingly it got it right, after explicitly asking for toggle. „The toggle method is useful for iterating over a sequence and collecting elements until a condition becomes false.“ 15:03
antononcube @rcmlz Sorry, I answered a different question it seems. I read the statement: > A migration guide covering an entire standard library would be quite the task as : > A migration converting an entire standard library would be quite the task 15:06
I guess, I just needed an excuse to talk about LLM-conversions of software libraries. 🙂 15:07
librasteve there is some kind of 3 way integer mod routine, please can someone remind me of the name? 15:17
lizmat 3 way ? 15:34
librasteve yeah I recall seeing an example that went something like 86400.threewaymod(24,60,60) 15:37
lizmat polymod ? 15:38
librasteve yep
you are a genius!
lizmat It's actually N-way :-) 15:39
librasteve yeah, so polymod has the documented signature: method polymod(Int:D: +@mods) 15:43
m: say ⅔.polymod(⅓);
Raku eval (0 2)
librasteve so that Int:D is neither doing a type check, nor a coercion ;-) 15:44
lizmat i think that's a doc issue 15:45
librasteve I think the examples are great and what polymod should dwim ... but maybe I should go for a doc issue (do you agree?)
lizmat yes
librasteve snap
back on vanilla mod, then something is definitely broken... I found this
m: say 10 mod 3.4 15:46
Raku eval Exit code: 1 Cannot resolve caller infix:<div>(Int:D, Rat:D); none of these signatures matches: (Int:D $a, Int:D $b --> Int:D) (int $a, int $b --> int) (uint $a, uint $b --> uint) in block <unit> at main.raku line 1
librasteve m: say (10 mod 3.4)
Raku eval Exit code: 1 Cannot resolve caller infix:<div>(Int:D, Rat:D); none of these signatures matches: (Int:D $a, Int:D $b --> Int:D) (int $a, int $b --> int) (uint $a, uint $b --> uint) in block <unit> at main.raku line 1
librasteve hmm in the repl I get [27] > 10 mod 3.4 -0.2 15:51
lizmat librasteve++
librasteve ^^^ that's polymod "sorted"
nhail Thanks for the response. There is a bit of XY problem going on on my end, I'm trying to make use of the StrDistance feature in Raku to calculate Levenshtein distance. The working method for me is>'new',after=>'old'), but this is kind of long, and I was looking for a way to do it with tr/// instead. 19:07