This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
00:57 Chanakan joined 01:07 jgaz left 02:20 deadmarshal_ left 02:43 deadmarshal_ joined
pelevesque Anyone can help a raku beginner? I have this string 54 34 185.00 F♯3 G♭3 Fs3 Gf3 I am wondering what is the easiest way to put 54 in one variable, 34 in other, 185.00 in a third, then the last 4 elements in one list together. I was thinking of splitting the string on spaces, and then in the array I find 0, 1, and 2, but is there a way to easily put together all elements after the 3rd in a list? 02:45
kjp pelevesque: No need to join things back together again; just don't split them apart! split takes an optional second argument to specify how many pieces to split the input into; try something like "$string.split(/\s+/, 4)" 04:25
pelevesque I found a super good solution with simply using .words 05:16
Thanks for that notion about the argument in split, I did not know this!
I just came back today to Raku after months of Javascript only. God, it feels good. What a fantastic language. The best. 05:17
08:02 dakkar joined 09:01 kjp_ joined, RakuIRCLogger left, kjp left 09:50 deadmarshal_ left 10:06 deadmarshal_ joined 12:50 lizmat left 13:04 lizmat joined 16:30 soverysour_ joined, soverysour_ left 16:51 dakkar left 18:09 swaggboi left
ab5tract m: m: my ($a, $b, $tempo, @notes) = "54 34 185.00 F♯3 G♭3 Fs3 Gf3".split(/\s+/); dd :$a, :$b, :$tempo, :@notes 18:51
camelia :a("54")
:notes(["F♯3", "G♭3", "Fs3", "Gf3"])
ab5tract pelevesque: an oldie but goodie ^^^ :)
only works with one list, though, and it has to be composed of elements from the end of the string. but it does fit your example pretty well 18:53
18:58 swaggboi joined
lizmat with that split string, you could just say .words :-) 19:02
ab5tract good point. I always forget about that one 19:32
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