This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
00:04 jaguart joined 00:08 jaguart left 03:10 teatime left, teatime joined
ab5tract I wonder whether it is a REPL thing. I checked in RakuAST and it gave a more helpful exception: 05:27
m: q| unit sub MAIN (); CATCH { default { .payload.say } }; die "Dead";|.AST.EVAL 05:28
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/camelia/EVAL_0
A unit-scoped sub definition is not allowed in a subscope;
Please use the block form.
at /home/camelia/EVAL_0:1
------> unit sub MAIN ();⏏ CATCH { default { .payload.say } …
05:50 sivoais left 06:00 sivoais joined 06:04 jaguart joined 06:09 jaguart left 08:04 dakkar joined 08:37 deadmarshal_ left 08:43 jaguart joined 09:07 deadmarshal_ joined 09:10 jaamer joined 09:11 jaguart left 11:54 jaamer left 13:23 jaguart joined 13:36 MasterDuke joined
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: 14:47
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rcmlz @antononcube I am wondering if would be a starting point for converting "Markdown-Obsidian-Flavour-With-Python-Code-Cells" into Jupyter-Notebooks. How shoudl I start? Usecase: I did not find a way to convert a bunch of Obsidian-Markdown-flavour-files (containing Code and LaTeX) to Jupyter notebooks. When using pandoc, the code cells (three python ) are not recognized, also 17:23
jupytext is not supporting that Obsidian flavour format (as far as my reading took me).
Ideally my markdonw files are the "masters" and I generate the jupyter-notebooks out of them. 17:24
antononcube @rcmlz It is in my TODO list to implement a converter of Markdown to Jupyter in "Markdown::Grammar". Right now for that I use "jupytext". 17:34
If that converter is implemented in "Markdown::Grammar", then then the "main" grammar should be easy to specialize / subclass with the Obsidian flavour. 17:36
I will experiment today to see how easy it is to make that Markdown-to-Jupyter converter. 17:37
This is the same reason I made "Markdown::Grammar", except my primary target is Mathematica notebooks. 17:39
BTW, try to do the Markdown-to-Jupyter conversion with LLMs. See this example: 17:40
20:19 lizmat_ joined
@rcmlz I made the first version of the Jupyter converter in "Markdown::Grammar". It is working on everything except LaTeX formulas. Hopefully, I will figure out the TeX/LaTeX code blocks today and push to 20:21
20:24 tonyo1 joined 20:25 tonyo left, lizmat left
@rcmlz The LaTeX "display" formulas are processed correctly. The "inlined" LaTeX formulas are just shown as code. 20:33
I parse that kind of inlined expressions, but I have to figure out a nice to way interpret them in the Jupyter actions. 20:34
librasteve ^^ very nice 20:36
antononcube For this was the "biggest missing feature" in "Markdown::Grammar" for at least year. If I knew that I can implement it within a couple of hours, I would have done it 6-8 months ago. 20:39
21:19 MasterDuke left 21:33 jaguart left 21:49 lizmat_ left, lizmat joined