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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
pelevesque Can someone point me in the right direction? Maybe the right Raku way to do this. Maybe just not thinking to sharp cause sick. I have a file that has text and numbers. say: My number is 4, and another 4.4 and 4 again, and also 0 2 and 1.3 I have an array with the same amount of numbers. Say [2.2, 0, 4, 4.4, 2, 0] I want to run throught the file replacing the numbers with the one in the array 22:39
My number is 2.2, and another 0 and 4 again, and also 4.4 2 and 0
Not asking for a solution, just on a general way of doing this. Iv'e been kind of hitting my head against the wall with substitutions. 22:40
ab5tract pleveque: so the first thing that comes to mind is to use a hash. the key would be the number from the file to replace, the value would be the number to replace it with 22:43
then you could do `for %replacers.kv -> $to-replace, $replace-with { $text.subst($to-replace, $replace-with) }` 22:45
but you'll want to use `$text.subst($to-replace, $replace-with, :g)` to replace globally 22:46
pelevesque I'll try it just after sleeping a bit. I think I have this annoying thing called covid. 23:01
ab5tract ooof.. that's never fun 23:05
good luck! and don't hesitate to ping with any further questions
pelevesque Thanks! 23:13
Very appreciated.
Does your idea replace one by one, without going back in time? Without always starting back at the beginning of the text. 23:32
Because if we always start again from the beginning, then it fails. 23:33
Not sure if you see what I mean.
I need to replace the first found number, with the first number in my array of replacements, then the second found number with the second one, and so on.
ab5tract the snippet I shared replaces all appearances of A with A', then B with B', etc 23:41
that's what the :g is for
(it stands for `global`) 23:42
so it more or less requires that none of the to-replace values are present in the replace-with values 23:58
if that's a requirement, we'll need to figure something else out involving a cursor, but it still shouldn't be that bad 23:59