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antononcube By accident, I used the operator //= which I cannot find in the documentation. What is its meaning? Is it: > If RHS is not defined, then assign LHS to it my $x=...; $x //= 3; say $x 15:50
nahita3882 yes but the other way around 15:52
if LHS is not defined, assign RHS to it
it expands to this: there is // infix "defined-or" operator; a // b evaluates to a if a has a defined value; otherwise evaluates to b 15:53
//= is the augmented assignment form of this operator, i.e., a //= b is equivalent to a = a // b 15:54
lizmat just like a += b is equivalent to a = a + b
nahita3882 yeah and in augmented cases a would be evaluated once 15:56
m: sub f is rw { say "here!"; my $ }; say f() //= 500 15:58
Raku eval here! 500
antononcube @nahita3882 Thanks! (And yes I swapped LHS and RHS in my conjecture questions.) 16:24
librasteve docs.raku.org/language/operators#A..._operators 17:42
The aforementioned two differences between the simple and compound assignment statements are briefly elucidated below. ... not sure I like the flowery prose 17:46