hamza79 Hey 11:14
I am interested in Raku. How is it as Functional programming language coming from Haskell, ML and Lisp 11:16
lakmatiol pointfree composition is a lot less common, and I would suggest against recursion for most operations, but just about everything is an expression, and you get first class functions and metaprogramming. No linked lists either. 13:40
the type system is surprisingly powerful, but closer to CL (though unlike CL checkable at compile time to some extent0 than haskell/ML 13:41
the type system is surprisingly powerful, but closer to CL (though unlike CL checkable at compile time to some extent) than haskell/ML
the type system is surprisingly powerful, but closer to CL (though unlike CL checkable at compile time to a larger extent) than haskell/ML
unixcat64 Hi all. Is there a Raku version of Perl's IPC::Cmd? 17:04
Or a Raku way of doing the same things?
lizmat there's of course Inline::Perl5 17:10
but I'm unsure of the semantics of IPC::Cmd: possbly Proc::Async (in core) does all the necessary stuff for you already ? 17:11
unixcat64 thank you lizmat, I'll check it out 17:48
is there a Raku/Perl6 language server? 20:51
I haven't found one via Google 20:53
[Coke] What do you mean "language server"? 21:02
website where you can run code interactively?
if so, raku.org/resources/, look for "Practice Online" 21:12
unixcat64 Coke, no I mean as in Language Server Protocol 23:06