Hydrazer is there a cons operator? or should i just use the flatten prefix? ```pl 01:51
my @arr = 1..5;
say [5, |@arr];
[Coke] m: my @a=1..5; @a.unshift: 5; dd @a 02:06
camelia Array @a = [5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[Coke] raku gives shift/unshift/pop/push for adding/removing from the ends, splice, but your way is also fine. 02:08
Hydrazer yeah i guess that would work too 02:16
gfldex m:``` 08:36
sub infix:«|<<»(\a, \e) {
Proxy.new(FETCH => method { |a, |e },
STORE => method (\e) {})
but role { method sink { a.push: e } };
my @a = 1,2,3;
@a |<< 4;
dd @a;
my @b = @a |<< 5;
dd @a, @b;
@Hydrazer#4827 We wont stop you from defining your own operator. We are very liberal. :) 08:37