sumankhanal m: my @data1 = <15 18 10 20 25 14>; @data2 = <20 16 30 18 25 17>; say sort @data1 Z @data2 16:49
m:my @data1 = <15 18 10 20 25 14>; my @data2 = <20 16 30 18 25 17>; say sort @data1 Z @data2 16:50
m: my @data1 = <15 18 10 20 25 14>; my @data2 = <20 16 30 18 25 17>; say sort @data1 Z @data2
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: 18:59
Nemokosch I see Raku also has Promises and they have a nicer interface than in JS 19:55
Is there a way to get "coordinates" from a nested array? 21:05
lizmat you mean: given a value from a nested array, what it's indexes are ?
*its 21:06
Nemokosch well, that would also be cool 21:07
but right now, I was thinking of: given a nested array, what are the "keys" of it
gfldex @Nemokosch#9980 you may be looking for this: 21:13
To be precise, the `@array[**]:deepkv` candidate. 21:15
Nemokosch woah