thowe The Raku docs seem to indicate that blocks do, in fact, return "The last statement". Though it does say they are "transparent to return " whatever that means. 00:01
Did this behavior change since the book was written? 00:02
Nemokosch it would be good to see what it says exactly 00:08
thowe "A subroutine can return a value (a Block can’t)." 00:09 00:10
SmokeMachine m: sub a($should-return) { my $b = { return “returned” if $should-return; “b” }; say $b; “last value” }; a True; a False
camelia -> ;; $_? is raw = OUTER::<$_> { #`(Block|43082528) ... }
-> ;; $_? is raw = OUTER::<$_> { #`(Block|43083104) ... }
thowe the helll
http:/file/1/sjP0pUAQgRA2LFgF 00:11
SmokeMachine 00:10 <SmokeMachine> m: sub a($should-return) { my $b = { return “returned” if $should-return; “b” }.(); say $b; “last value” }; a True; a False
m: sub a($should-return) { my $b = { return “returned” if $should-return; “b” }.(); say $b; “last value” }; a True; a False
camelia b
SmokeMachine m: sub a($should-return) { my $b = { return “returned” if $should-return; “b” }.(); say $b; “last value” }; say a True; say a False 00:12
camelia returned
last value
thowe apparently convos won't let me paste in the next couple sentences, but the way I use put in the example is what it says can only be done with a sub... "Previously the blocks handled output"
I can only assume Brian De Foy was very confused, or blocks are different now? 00:13
SmokeMachine thowe: transparent to return: 👆
Nemokosch I don't think this helps a lot 00:14
does this mean that `return` inside a block still belongs to the sub?
SmokeMachine Calling return from a block inside a sub will return the sub and not the block
thowe in the code example I pasted, I do "put $maxofthree($n1, $n2, $n3);" put is printing the returned value of the block. The following examples and text in the book explain that one must use a sub to be able to do that. 00:15
SmokeMachine Nemokosch#9980: yes
You must use a sub to be able to use the return keyword 00:16
Nemokosch $maxofthree works for me btw
SmokeMachine m: { return 42 } 00:17
camelia Attempt to return outside of any Routine
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
thowe Transparent to return is not explained there. He says that previous examples in the book showed the block handling the output. However I look back and they don't all do so. I think this is a result of bad editing or something.
SmokeMachine A block being transparent to return mean that if you call return from inside a block, it will return from the outside sub and not from the block 00:18
Nemokosch SmokeMachine has explained what transparent to return means and I think it makes sense
just like the block of an if statement is "transparent to break/continue", a raku block is "transparent to return"
thowe OK, thanks for that. but that is not the issue that is confusing me in the book. 00:19
"tranparent to return" is clearly not what is being discussed in the book. I think I point that out clearly above. 00:20
SmokeMachine I haven’t read the book, but isn’t it explaining that you can’t use return on the block itself? Like this:
thowe No.
SmokeMachine m: { return 42 }
camelia Attempt to return outside of any Routine
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Nemokosch then I'm afraid you also aren't explaining well enough 😅 00:21
anyways, what you posted works just fine for me
m: my $maxofthree := { ($^a, $^b, $^c).max } put $maxofthree(4,5,2)
thowe It is saying that the block would have to have the put statement in it instead of being able to do what I do in my code example I pasted. It works fine for me too. I didn't say it didn't work.
But the book is saying it wouldn't work... It says I would need a sub to do that. I'm saying the book is wrong. 00:22
Nemokosch okay, missing semicolon... 00:23
m: my $maxofthree := { ($^a, $^b, $^c).max }; put $maxofthree(4,5,2)
we don't have the book so we can't check that 🤷‍♂️
thowe a screenshot would be fair use, right?
Nemokosch I think so but don't bother, it was uploaded somewhere and I looked it up 00:25
my first impression is that the author doesn't really know/pay attention to the fact that implicit returns exist 00:27
and hence mistakenly concludes from the "transparency of return" that blocks can't return a value
I see no behavior that contradicts the current status quo
the only thing I can imagine is that implicit returns didn't exist at that time but I wouldn't know that as a newbie to the language 00:28
moreover 00:29
my $subroutine := sub {
return do if now.Int %% 2 { 'Even' }
else { 'Odd' }
put $subroutine();
this already contradicts this narrative
thowe Yes, you are describing exactly my thoughts.
Nemokosch the guy doesn't seem to be trying to use implicit returns with pointy blocks
thowe but if you go back, the block examples given also contradict this. I think the return transparency thing was previously misunderstood by him, and then he went back and made changes, but never fixed the text. 00:30
anyway, at least the third big error I have found in the book. Starting to annoy me. 00:31
Nemokosch ```perl
my $block := -> Numeric $b, Numeric $a { $a / $b };
put $block( 1, 2 );
this for one is a good way of "return" from a pointy block 00:33
SmokeMachine In that case I would prefer like this: 00:34
my &block := -> Numeric $b, Numeric $a { $a / $b }; say block 1, 2 00:35
m: my &block := -> Numeric $b, Numeric $a { $a / $b }; say block 1, 2
camelia 2
thowe What learning materials are others using? 00:38
Nemokosch I mean, indeed, & is the right sigil for something meant to be called all along 00:47
I was taking the example from the book
thowe: I basically just use the docs and lurk around on the discord server, in case I have a question or someone posts something clever 🙂 00:48
stevied I got this: 05:06
multi apps(Str $dir) is export(:MANDATORY) { apps [$dir] }
multi apps(Str @dirs?) is export(:MANDATORY) {
I call it with this: `@apps = apps @path`
i get this error:
Cannot resolve caller apps(Array:D); none of these signatures match:
(Str $dir)
(Str @dirs?)
how do I fix this?
the @path has a string in it. 05:07
so I'm not sure why it doesn't match the signature 05:11
oh, I guess at @path has to be typed as Str. hmmm. 05:15
MasterDuke how to use typed arrays is a common trap in raku 08:24
m: my Str @a = <a b c>; dd @a 08:25
camelia Array[Str @a = Array[Str].new("a", "b", "c")
MasterDuke but
m: sub foo(Str @a) { dd @a }; foo(<a b c>)
camelia Type check failed in binding to parameter '@a'; expected Positional[Str] but got List (("a", "b", "c"))
in sub foo at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
MasterDuke and
m: my Str @a := <a b c>; dd @a
camelia Type check failed in binding; expected Positional[Str] but got List (("a", "b", "c"))
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
MasterDuke the `<a b c>` is not something that's explicitly been typed to only contains Strs, it just happens to do so. in the first assignment example i showed, it works because assignment does copying, it kind of creates a typed array and then copied each individual element into it, and they all fit the type 08:28
but the binding example (and that's how the sub argument passing is done) doesn't do that copying, and the types don't match 08:29
m: sub foo(@a where @a.all ~~ Str) { dd @a }; foo(<a b c>) 08:30
camelia ("a", "b", "c")
MasterDuke in that case the sub just wants any kind of array, as long as every element is a Str 08:31
m: sub foo(@a where @a.all ~~ Str) { dd @a }; foo(("a", "b", "c", 3)) 08:32
camelia Constraint type check failed in binding to parameter '@a'; expected anonymous constraint to be met but got List (("a", "b", "c", 3))
in sub foo at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
MasterDuke m: sub foo(Str @a) { dd @a }; foo(Array[Str]("a", "b", "c")) 08:35
camelia Array[Str].new("a", "b", "c")
stevied I'm going through book at 13:18
has this code example: `my Int %$hash; say %hash.of; # -> (Int)`
why does it have %$hash? the book offers no explanation. I'm thinking it's a typo as the book is full of other errors.
Nemokosch I also think so... %$hash does exist as a kind of conversion but not as a variable on its own 13:49
from what I know
and it surely won't work like that example
maybe the other way around
lizmat I think Arne Sommer would appreciate PR's for errors that you find 15:43
thowe I didn't know about that pdf... I'll check that out 16:21
thowe raku people sure do like Docker... 16:26
Re: Beginning Raku by Sommer: I had seen that but thought it was a print book. I'll def check out. 16:29
lizmat thowe: I think that's really to get around the fact that Raku isn't in that many standard Linux distributions (yet) 16:30
thowe ah. I find rakubrew a treat 16:34
but then I am used to perlbrew
I rememeber the Ruby equiv being less friendly
Nemokosch rakubrew is nice 16:35
stevied Looking at: 22:29
it's got this sample code: 22:31
my $arr = [1, 2];
say $arr.^name; # OUTPUT: «Array␤»
but REPL shows:
say $arr.^name
any reason why?
Nemokosch hey, what's the difference? 22:41
stevied the funny symbols around Array are in docs, not in REPL 22:46
I keep seeing those funny symbols and have no idea what they are 22:47
MasterDuke french quotes i believe 23:10