stevied this run command isn't working. not getting errors but it just doesn't do anything: 03:30
`run "cd $dirname; /usr/local/bin/git log --diff-filter=A --follow --format=%aI -- $output_file | tail -1"`
runs ok from command line. docs say to break up everything into individual args but I'm not sure how to do that running two commands in the same line
this doesn't work: 03:40
`my $proc2 = run 'cd', $dirname, ';', '/usr/local/bin/git', 'log', '--diff-filter=A', '--follow', '--format=%aI', '--', $output_file, '|', 'tail', '-1', :out, :err;`
tried a slightly different route: 03:50
my $proc2 = run </usr/local/bin/git -C>, $dirname, <log --diff-filter=A --follow --format=%aI -->, $output_file, <| tail -1>, :out, :err;
all one command. but git throws an error: `fatal: --follow requires exactly one pathspec` 03:51
tried a slightly different route:
`my $proc2 = run </usr/local/bin/git -C>, $dirname, <log --diff-filter=A --follow --format=%aI -->, $output_file, <| tail -1>, :out, :err;`
CIAvash stevied: you need to run a separate proc for piping: my `$p = run «git -C "$dirname" log --diff-filter=A --format=%aI», :out, :err; my $p2 = run <tail -1>, :in($p.out), :out; 05:15
put .out.slurp: :close with $p2;`
also you don't need tail in this case, you can do `put .out.lines(:close)[*-1] with $p` 05:17
stevied thanks! yeah, just posted here about this: 05:18
i figured out I could remove tail
ah, I had forgotten about `:in`
and missed it in the docs when I was looking at it earlier 05:19
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: 14:54
stevied speaking of IDEs, is there an LSP for Raku that will work with neovim? 16:59
nothing listed here: 17:03
just tried out comma for first time. pretty impressive. 18:18
maybe time to say goodbye to neovim, at least for raku development?
IdeaVim plugin allows me to use vim command to get around
Nemokosch not so long ago there was no LSP iirc
I don't know if it has changed 18:20
stevied I just did another search. nothing turned up
raku is basically unusable in neovim with syntax highlighting. I have to turn it off after 50 lines or so.
Nemokosch you'd think this is a pretty important feature nowadays 18:25
for spreading the word, at least 18:26
ei oh yeah i noticed that 18:53
its very weird, like the grammar i built suddenly lost its colors after just tabbing down a bit 18:54
stevied is writing a language server raku a huge task? I see individuals writing language servers for perl. maybe the moar VM makes things more difficult somehow? thought I wouldn't know why. 19:41
is writing a language server raku a huge task? I see individuals writing language servers for perl. maybe the moar VM makes things more difficult somehow? though I wouldn't know why. 19:42
Libnits I've noticed that nvim sometimes toggles syntax highlighting when folds are involved, though I haven't the foggiest what causes it
stevied i haven't seen that 19:55
gfldex I can break the highlighter of Comma. Parsing Raku is the reason why we have Raku Grammars. Sadly, there is no fast implementation yet. 20:01
Nemokosch Still, it would be good to have at least something. I suppose one can challenge C++ parsers as well with enough metaprogramming 20:04
klebs i have this exact problem. i spent a bit of energy on it last week but wow. i couldn't make heads nor tails of the vim syntax file for raku and found that it is massively slow to the point of being unusable. I realized that i didnt need it to be perfect...just needed it to do *someting* -- thus, i have been doing `:set ft=perl` on my raku files for a week or so 22:01
i dont think it is actually that bad, but might take a medium burst of several full days of focus to get it right 22:03
from what i could tell, it is just a program which parses raku files and sends back the ast, more or less 22:04
it seems like, since we already have a grammar to parse raku, writing the language server is just a translation of that 22:05
i found some attempt at writing one for raku, but couldn't get it to work
that's basically the code for it, but i think it is broken
maybe it actually does work, i am not exactly sure 22:07
i have this exact problem. i spent a bit of energy on it last week but wow. i couldn't make heads or tails of the vim syntax file for raku and found that it is massively slow to the point of being unusable. I realized that i didnt need it to be perfect...just needed it to do *someting* -- thus, i have been doing `:set ft=perl` on my raku files for a week or so
after spending 4 or 5 days solely upgrading neovim for lsp, treesitter, lua, etc i just burned out on it (after getting it to be mostly awesome) and went back to my main line of development. it does seem possible, and perhaps not that difficult depending on how easy it is to use the parsing capability already in raku. 22:11
it seems like, since we already have a grammar to parse raku, writing the language server is just a translation (or invokation) of that
stevied interesting 23:20
klebs also, something like ``` 23:52
local configs = require 'lspconfig.configs'
local raku_languageserver = os.getenv("REPO") .. "/dev_util/raku-language-server"
local M = {}
function M.setup(nvim_lsp)
something like taht 23:53
something like that
it might not be exactly right, but it is something like that
so, the idea is that this lua hook calls the script i linked to from before on termbin 23:55
i think my setup is *almost* there, but i need to go into that script in detail to make sure i know exactly how what and why
and make sure all of the protocol fields are set optimally
might get around to that at some point later but definitely not for a little while at least