kueppo Hi, quick question: how useful are complex identifiers? why should we add pairs to ordinary identifiers? 19:08
Like this example from the rakudoc iirc $varname:d<e>:d<c> 19:10
lizmat I would say, they exist to allow identifiers such as infix:<+>
and outside of the core, I've never have had a use for them yet
kueppo thank you :) 19:11
lizmat you're welcome :-) 19:12
kueppo Just trying to understand, from Perl5's perspective, a package represents a file with bunch of related subroutines in it and we consider a package to be a module whenever it's used by another module or a program. In Raku, my confusion arise with these two constructs 20:00
Package P {}
Module M {}
So why does the second one exist and when should I use it if I may ask?
lizmat Well, first of all, I think you have your Perl understanding wrong 20:04
a package in Perl represents a collection of subroutines in a given namespace
this *usually* coincides with a single source file, but doesn't have to be
in Raku, a "package" is basically just a namespace without any bells and whistles 20:05
or any specific meaning
a "module" is just a namespace without any bells and whistles, but it is common to use that as a collection of subroutines to be exported 20:06
a "class" is a namespace that can have methods
a "grammar" is a namespace that can have rules, tokens, and regexes
the "package" is really an internals thing in Raku 20:07
any developer would usually only use class and grammar
kueppo okay, I'm trying to understand
lizmat and a developer providing a library of subroutines, would use a "module" 20:08
m: package Foo { our sub bar() { say "bar" } }; Foo::bar # Perl style 20:10
camelia bar
lizmat m: module Foo { sub bar() is export { say "bar" } }; import Foo; bar # Raku style 20:11
camelia bar
kueppo why does it mean by "a package doesn't have an identity"? 20:14
*what 20:15
lizmat where does that say that ?
kueppo here docs.raku.org/language/packages 20:16
lizmat I would say s/identity/bells and whistles/ :-) 20:17
and the bells and whistles are e.g. a version specification: 20:18
m: package Foo:ver<0.0.1> { }; dd Foo.^ver
camelia No such method 'ver' for invocant of type
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat m: module Foo:ver<0.0.1> { }; dd Foo.^ver
camelia v0.0.1
lizmat the identity is really the combination of version (:ver), authority (:auth) and api (:api) 20:19
kueppo X)
ah I see now 20:20
lizmat m: module Foo:ver<0.0.1>:auth<zef:lizmat>:api<1> { }
camelia ( no output )
lizmat would be a full identity
kueppo So if I got it right, can nest grammers, modules, and classes(in any order) into a single file and require or use them anyhow since they are basically namespace? 20:35
Nemokosch what's the idiomatic way to get the last character of a string? 22:27
in fact I might be better off matching against an ending in my particular case but the question still can be relevant 22:29
also, the documentation of $*COLLATION is rather lacky 22:48
collation-level? Country? Language?
[13] > $*COLLATION
collation-level => 85, Country => International, Language => None, primary => 1, secondary => 1, tertiary => 1, quaternary => 1