This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022. |
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stevied | If anyone is bored and is looking for a distraction, I wrote an answer to my own question on SO for my code that uses a class factory to generate similar classes concisely. If you see a way I can improve or streamline this code further, please post a comment there on SO. Thanks! | 04:55 | |
oh, and I couldn't figure out how to put the attributes directly into the Dimension class without getting an error so I created them on the fly. Not sure if it's possible to put them into Dimension class directly. | 05:02 | ||
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kueppo | Hi there, just going through the manual, I've no clue of what the ~ twigil is used for, I guess I'm not gonna have to use it in future or ...? '=D | 08:48 | |
lizmat | kueppo: probably not, indeed | 08:50 | |
kueppo | Noted | ||
lizmat | not until RakuAST has landed, I'd say | 08:51 | |
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SmokeMachine | stevied: is there a link for that? | 17:03 | |
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SmokeMachine | this one? | 17:06 | |
Nemokosch | ngl you guys are really using Raku in sophisticated and very diverse ways | 17:22 | |
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stevied | oh, sorry, yeah, forgot the link. yeah, that's it | 17:35 | |
i have this function sig: | 17:37 | ||
`sub derived-factory(Hash:D %derived, Str:D $type, Str:D $base, Bool:D $imp = False)` | |||
I'm passing a hash into it, I think, but I'm getting this error: | |||
`Type check failed in binding to parameter '%derived'; expected Associative[Hash] but got Hash ({:Gt(${:den(1.0), :n...)` | |||
why does it say expected Associative[Hash]? | 17:38 | ||
I don't even know the difference between the two | 17:39 | ||
ok, if I change it the `%` to the `$` sign it works. I suppose this is one of those container things | 17:43 | ||
or it gets converted to a list or something, right? I forget. | |||
Nahita | `%` means the variable is an (or "does") Associative (for which the default type is Hash); if you put some type before it (e.g, Hash you did), it indicates what the type of *key*s of the Associative is restricted to. So it expects an Associative where keys are Hashes; `Associative[Hash]` signals this (i.e., some variable declared as `my Hash %h;` is to be passed). [Similarly you can constrain the type | 17:49 | |
(at least) two resolutions: as you did `Hash $var`, or `%var` only | |||
stevied | ah, ok, yeah, that rings a bell | ||
so it's like a argument checker, not a sigil | 17:50 | ||
thanks! | |||
SmokeMachine | Hash:D %derived means exactly a Associative (that's what the % mean) where each value is a Hash:D | 18:05 | |
sorry, just ready Nahita's answer... | |||
stevied: I've added a suggestion on your question to create a `dimension` keyword... | 18:07 | ||
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stevied | thanks, i'll check it out | 18:59 | |
what's the best way to determine if an object has a specific attribute? | 19:35 | ||
I came up with this: `say $.dimension.^attributes.Str.contains: 'multiplier';` but this seems pretty hacky | 19:39 | ||
lizmat | m: dd q/$!value/ (elem) 42.^attributes>>.name | 19:40 | |
camelia | Bool::True | ||
stevied | ok, so seems like there's not built in way | 19:41 | |
ok, so seems like there's no built in way | |||
lizmat | well, that *is* a built-in way as no NQP is involved :-) | 19:42 | |
well, externally :-) | |||
stevied | still couldn't tell you waht NGP stands for 🙂 | 19:45 | |
Q | |||
lizmat | Not Quite Perl | 19:46 | |
originally | |||
m: sub has-attribute(\object, Str:D $name) { $name (elem) object.^{.name.substr(2)}) }; say 42.&has-attribute("value") | 19:47 | ||
camelia | True | ||
stevied | oh yeah | ||
Nahita | there are `$obj.^can("attr")` and `$obj.?attr` but not sure if these are equivalent to what @lizmat showed above fully | ||
lizmat | ^can only tells you it can do a *method* | 19:48 | |
Nahita | `^can` returns an empty list if not found, `.?` returns Nil | ||
SmokeMachine | those are for methods... | ||
lizmat | an attribute *can* have an accessor method, but if it's private, it doesn't | ||
and methods can also be just: methods :-) | |||
SmokeMachine | m: class Bla { has $.a; has $!b }; say Black.^can("a"); say Black.^can("b") | 19:49 | |
camelia | ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp> Undeclared name: Black used at line 1. Did you mean 'Block'? |
Nahita | oh okay thanks | ||
SmokeMachine | m: class Bla { has $.a; has $!b }; say Black.^can("a"); say Bla.^can("b") | ||
camelia | ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp> Undeclared name: Black used at line 1. Did you mean 'Block'? |
SmokeMachine | m: class Bla { has $.a; has $!b }; say Bla.^can("a"); say Bla.^can("b") | ||
camelia | (a) () |
Nahita | where is Raku on EAFP vs LBYL? is there a strong tendency to either | 19:51 | |
or TIMTOWTDI and discussion is moot | |||
jgaz | If I want to split my code off into smaller module files (in the same dir as my main code) how do I do that? | 19:58 | |
That is, how do I include the external module? | 19:59 | ||
lizmat | with "use" (and make sure to add the to the META6.json :-) | 20:00 | |
jgaz | So, even when it's a local file I still have to use META6.jason? | 20:03 | |
err... META6.json? What's the point/ | |||
lizmat | no, you don't, but it is a good practice :-) | 20:05 | |
-I has its disadadvantages | |||
jgaz | Sorry, I mean what is META6 in the first place? What is the function of the file? | 20:06 | |
lizmat | it is needed to create an installable distribution of your module | 20:10 | |
it keeps information on what it provides, what it needs, who the authors are, and the authority etc. | |||
jgaz | lizmat: okay, gotcha. | 20:17 | |
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kueppo | I searched but found nothing | 23:12 | |
@a-cloned.push: "k$i" => $i.clone; | |||
@a-cloned.push("k$i" => $i.clone); | |||
What's the name for the first syntax, I haven't seen such a signature syntax from the signature doc but appears in some examples. | |||
s/signature/argument/ | 23:14 | ||
from here | 23:19 |