This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
habere-et-disper Can one declare a sub identifier with an alias? 06:23
I see you can do it with parameters, but I was wanting it on the sub itself to have a short and long name version.
Kaiepi m: my &short := sub shortened-name(--> Nil) { }; say short; say shortened-name 06:39
camelia Nil
habere-et-disper Thanks Kaiepi ! :-) 06:46
Superstart033 Is there a web framework for Raku? 13:58
Nemokosch Yes, it is called Cro 13:59
Made by possibly the only full-time Raku devs at Edument 14:01
only that I know of, at least
Superstart033 Thanks! 14:10
Ulti <@179666061795262464> if you're looking for an ORM to go with I'd give Red a look. 14:28
SmokeMachine I also like Red! :) 14:30
Nemokosch SmokeMachine aka FCO is the creator of Red - sorry for spoiling it, folks 😛 14:32
SmokeMachine :)
Superstart033 What’s red? Another framework? 14:36
SmokeMachine It’s an ORM 14:37
Ulti yeah for abstracting database storage with business logic classes 14:38
Superstart033 I asked this questions since I want to create a small wattpad clone where you can save and create books/novels/ect. I know Raku is great for text processing, but how good is it with images? People would most likely want to upload images for their books 18:44
I asked this questions since I want to create a small wattpad clone where you can save and create books/novels/ect. I know Raku is great for text processing, but how good is it with images? People would most likely want to upload covers for their books 18:45
Anton Antonov Hm... Raku does not process images "natively" (as it does with text.) There are some libraries for dealing with SVG. 19:26
For what you are trying to do you might be better off using Mathematica.
For what you are trying to do you might be better off using Mathematica. 🙂
Nemokosch Is there a Mathematica web framework??? 😄
Anton Antonov It is in my todo list to make a Raku DSL package for image processing.
Yes -- see and wolfram Web API.
Back to <@179666061795262464> question 🙂 -- Raku is good with CLI, so, if you are on macOS you can use Siri Shortcuts for image processing via Raku. 19:28
<@297037173541175296> Here is an example of Wolfram Web API utilization: 19:30
<@297037173541175296> Here is more on Wolfram Web API: 19:32
Superstart033 <@694526400488669234> thanks for answer! I don’t really want to do anything complicated with images, just upload them/get them from somewhere else and show it in the app(or well, web page in my case) Is it really that hard for Raku to so right now? 19:34
<@694526400488669234> thanks for answer! I don’t really want to do anything complicated with images, just upload them/get them from somewhere else and show it in the app(or well, web page in my case) Is it really that hard for Raku to do so right now?
I’m sorry if I sound dumb, I don’t know how image processing works 19:36
p6steve <@179666061795262464> - suggest you take a look at this two part blog ... also is written in Raku/Cro IMO Raku/Cro is quite bare bones compared to other frameworks - it is no Ruby on Rails (yet). 19:38
Anton Antonov <@179666061795262464> Uploading and, more generally, managing files with Raku is / should be easy. 19:39
p6steve @anton - can you point us to any example code? 19:40
Anton Antonov <@928301352029937715> Of managing files with Raku? Or doing data wrangling in Python via Raku?
p6steve Eg. a working Raku/Cro example with image upload 19:42
Anton Antonov <@928301352029937715> You are one of the primary audience members of these notebooks: . I think it might be a good idea to accumulate ***Raku*** notebooks for doing different "everyday" type of tasks.
p6steve Yes, but I think the ask is for a Raku framework to build a website with an image upload function 19:43
;-) 19:44
Anton Antonov <@928301352029937715> Yeah, sure, I will do it after I record the "Raku-spin" version of my main presentation at Wolfram Technology Conference last week.
<@928301352029937715> I am not sure how much the notebooks are "embraced" by the current, typical Raku user, but the "young generation" definitely has a taste of using notebooks. 19:46
Superstart033 I have another project in mind for now to test Raku, and for the web page I’ll just wait (maybe make it myself someday lol) for it to appear. Thanks for the help everyone! 19:53
Also got curious about this notebooks with Raku thing 19:55
Hello again, I'm following a Raku guide and this specific command aint running on my pc. I'm on Windows 21:49
guifa which command is that Superstart033? 22:11
Superstart033 echo, it should print something in the console/shell. I confirm that it work on the cmd and powershell 22:36
echo, it should print something on the console/shell. I confirm that it work on the cmd and powershell
habere-et-disper I found another way to make a sub alias: 22:47
sub long-name ( |params ) { short-name |params }
Does that look sound?
Superstart033 Do I need to create a new sub for that? I just want to know why `run 'echo', "hello"` doesnt work on my computer. 22:50
habere-et-disper I don't think so: 22:52
m: run <echo hello>
camelia The spawned command 'echo' exited unsuccessfully (exit code: 1, signal: 0)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
guifa_ habere-et-disper: that works, but will add an extra level of dispatch 23:02
habere-et-disper Maybe `echo` is not available on your system? Try at an interactive shell prompt: `$ which echo` 23:09
Nemokosch I can confirm that it fails on Windows, by the way 23:11
my bet would be that `echo` is not a program on windows <@179666061795262464> 23:13
it might be some cmd built-in
habere-et-disper I think on unix it is a binary in /bin/echo, but on windows it is part of the shell, so you can try: 23:15
`run <cmd echo hello>'
Superstart033 You guys are most likely right, since dir does work but echo doesn't work outside the cmd itself.
Nemokosch in which case you can fall back to direct shell invocation, either with `shell` or the qx quoting
`my $name = 'Sir Gates'; shell "echo 'Hello $name'";`
for me, that just downright opened a cmd session 23:16
if you want to obtain the process, `shell` is a safe bet 23:17
Kaiepi it's `where` on windows
Superstart033 update: shell "echo 'hello'" works perfectly
Gonna try this
Nemokosch if you want to obtain the standard output, `qx[]` and friends are the way to go
Kaiepi instead of `which`
`echo` just exists as part of `git` for me 23:19
Nemokosch "could not find file(s) for the given pattern"
Kaiepi `where /R C:\ echo` or wherever
Nemokosch yeah cygwin does have echo
but `where cmd`˙for example does return cmd.exe under System32 23:20
Anton Antonov <@928301352029937715> This is the video I made -- while _not_ doing the Cro demo you requested 🙂 -- 23:21