This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
00:00 lucs left, lucs_ joined 00:03 habere-et-disper left 00:11 Nemokosch left 00:12 Nemokosch joined 00:53 Nemokosch left 01:42 Kaiepi left 02:57 razetime joined 03:24 jaguart joined 03:41 jaguart left, jaguart joined 04:34 Kaiepi joined 04:46 MasterDuke left 04:47 Ebudae joined 04:49 Heptite left 04:52 Ebudae left
jaguart gfldex++ - thanks for 08:35
m: class C {}; my $cl = 'C'; my $c = ::{$cl}.new(); say $c.WHAT;
camelia (C)
jaguart Can anyone point me to docs for what exactpy ::{$cl} is 08:36
oh - is this basically $c lookup in global stash? 08:37
and that returns a Type instance associated with the name in $c - woohoo 08:38
will have to figure this out for instantiating outside global ::... 08:39
09:09 dakkar joined 09:11 Nemokosch joined
Nemokosch it is a variable lookup indeed but maybe not the "global" stash 09:16
09:38 Nemokosch left 09:49 jaguart left, jaguart joined 11:21 habere-et-disper joined 12:30 razetime left 13:08 habere-et-disper left 14:08 mcmillhj joined 15:14 Heptite joined 15:39 NemokoschKiwi joined 15:40 NemokoschKiwi left 17:34 dakkar left 17:53 elcaro_ joined 17:55 thowe left, elcaro left, thowe joined 18:37 mcmillhj left 20:30 n1to joined 20:50 n1to left 20:51 mcmillhj joined 22:13 mcmillhj left