This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
jaguart I have a child-class inheriting from parent - I want to set an arg to the parent's constructor if it is not currently set - but cannot work out the syntax 04:03
in my child B I have ``multi method new( |arg ) {...}`` but I cannot seem to update the arg Capture before calling nextsame 04:10
lizmat++ to the rescue - Acme::Cow::Stegosaurus ===> method new(|c) { callwith( |c, over => 20 ) } 05:31
whan you can't find it in the docs - look for a dinosaur example 05:40
lizmat :-) 10:18
equinox hi 20:51
m: my $s = now; my @a = |(1, 2, 3) xx 7_000; my \N = 1; for ^N { flat map * / 7, @a }; say (now - $s) / N
camelia 0.040333395
equinox ^this is some operation, done for N = 1 times, and timed 20:52
now I do with N = 100:
m: my $s = now; my @a = |(1, 2, 3) xx 7_000; my \N = 100; for ^N { flat map * / 7, @a }; say (now - $s) / N
camelia 0.014458232920000001
equinox so i guess there's some optimization; any way to disable that?
BTW, i'm not complaning or anything at all!
i sometimes see some environment variables passed around, maybe they are to do with that but not sure... 20:53
tried to capture the result, it got even faster :\) 20:56
Nemokosch Could be that it's jitted 23:54