This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
jaguart m: class C { has Mu $.o; method gist { $!o.^name; } }; say :o(Int) ); 00:00
camelia Int
Nemokosch But you see, the whole grammar is built in a way where the token for numbers just doesn't include anything negative
jaguart m: class C { has Mu $.o; method gist { $!o.^name; } }; say :o(Nil) );
camelia Mu
jaguart off to pick xmas cherries... bbs 00:05
Nemokosch 😂 byez 00:15
jaguart the probelm with Nil boiled down to assign -> works if I bind instead :) 01:48
jaamer A question on POD and semantics :) - Perl has this: - the nearest I can find in Raku is: - which seems a little light, and maybe incorrect? =TITLE and =SUBTITLE don't really feel like Pod semantics? 09:24
Does anyone have any thoughts? Opinionated is good too :)
even Modules that have Pod you like / recommend? 09:25
Nemokosch Hey, could you quickly say what your goal is? 12:04
p6steve my regex number { 19:48
\S+ #grab chars
<?{ +"$/" ~~ Real }> #assert coerces via '+' to Real
^^^ works for me 19:49
(uses the language semantics to decide what is a number) 19:51