This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
00:06 Heptite left 01:28 jgaz left 01:33 guifa left
stevied App::Mi6 is the best. I start modules with that and then import those new modules create with mi6 into comma 01:57
yeah, i'm still writing regexes with no spaces. old habits die hard 01:59
ok, so how does zef determine what the newest version of a module is? It can't go by the version in meta6.json because those can be arbitrary and may not sort. REA has a "release-date" property but there is no time stamp for the date. 02:01
02:32 Heptite joined 02:47 deadmarshal_ left
here it is, the oldest living Raku disro: 02:49
03:09 deadmarshal_ joined
actually, this is the oldest one: 03:18
03:26 rf left
jaguart looking for a recommends on approach - I have 10 regex substitutions to apply to 10 strings - is this just going to be loops or is there some magic? 03:30
stevied i would just do 10 loops but i'm not really the guy to ask 03:32
05:44 Heptite left
Nahita ``` 07:48
>>> @strs
[wow yes real]
>>> @trs
[/o/ => e /s$/ => d /^r/ => $r]
>>> @strs.&zip(@trs){ $^s.subst(|$^t.kv) })
(wew yed $real)
```not magic from me either
09:01 jaguart left
tbrowder you might also look at Mi6::Helper 10:38
12:12 Kaipei joined 12:16 Kaiepi left 12:36 Heptite joined 13:11 NemokoschKiwi joined 14:30 jgaz joined 14:36 rf joined 14:42 NemokoschKiwi left 16:21 ab5tract joined 16:38 ab5tract left 17:05 ab5tract joined 17:19 ab5tract left
rf How can I label and extract something from a string with Regex (I think it's called capturing), basically I want something like "Hello Bob" ~~ /"Hello "$<name>/ -> name => 'bob' 17:36
m: "Hello Bob" ~~ /"Hello "$<name>/; 17:38
camelia ( no output )
17:38 NemokoschKiwi joined
NemokoschKiwi m: say "Hello Bob" ~~ /"Hello "$<name>/; 17:39
camelia Nil
NemokoschKiwi well okay, it didn't match 17:40
you need to describe the pattern in-place, or define it in a standalone regex/token
say "Hello Bob" ~~ /"Hello "$<name>=\w+/; #do I have the syntax right? 17:41
m: say "Hello Bob" ~~ /"Hello "$<name>=\w+/; #do I have the syntax right?
camelia ļ½¢Hello Bobļ½£
name => ļ½¢Bobļ½£
NemokoschKiwi seems so
rf Ah that makes sense 17:59
I'm having some troubles running a shell command from Raku, it looks like it's running but it doesn't do anything. "openssl req -new -x509 -newkey ec -subj \"CN=$domain\" -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:prime256v1 -days 1825 -nodes -out cert.pem -keyout key.pem" is the command 18:54
It returns a status code of 0 as well, which is really puzzling me
NemokoschKiwi how do you run it, what do you expect and what do you get? 18:55
rf shell("openssl req -new -x509 -newkey ec -subj \"CN=$domain\" -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:prime256v1 -days 1825 -nodes -out cert.pem -keyout key.pem"), I expect the cert to be made, but it isn't. I get a response object that has a status code of 0 18:56
I don't care about stdout or stderr etc related to the process
NemokoschKiwi So should this generate a file? 18:57
rf 2 files
cert.pem and key.pem
in cwd
I think I got it, I was missing a / before CN=... 19:03
NemokoschKiwi it makes you wonder how the code could be 0
rf Still doesn't work :D
NemokoschKiwi for me it did generate an error for the wrong format, at least 19:05
rf Okay, I finally got it. /CN=\"$domain\" too many dang slashes
NemokoschKiwi for me it worked with \"/CN=$domain\" 19:07
but yeah it might be a better idea to escape the variable
also, don't forget that you could use doublequotes with e.g qq[...] as well 19:08
sometimes I find that clearer when some nesting is going on
rf Yeah I'll switch it over to that, thanks
NemokoschKiwi or downright use qqx[...] instead of shell("...") :P 19:11
(that pipes the stdout into the return value, by the way) 19:12
19:19 jgaz left 19:24 rf left 19:32 rf joined 19:59 ab5tract joined 20:31 ab5tract left 20:37 ab5tract joined 20:47 ab5tract left 22:01 jgaz joined 22:06 destroycomputers joined 23:09 ab5tract joined 23:19 jgaz left 23:54 kjp left 23:57 kjp joined 23:59 jaguart joined