This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
deoac m: $a=1; say $a; { let $a=2; say $a }; say $a 00:14
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$a' is not declared. Perhaps you forgot a 'sub' if this was
intended to be part of a signature?
at <tmp>:1
------> <BOL>⏏$a=1; say $a; { let $a=2; say $a }; say
deoac m: my $a=1; say $a; { let $a=2; say $a }; say $a
camelia 1
deoac m: my $a=1; say $a; { let $a=2; dd $a }; say $a 00:15
camelia 1
Int $a = 2
deoac Why the difference in the 3rd output?
rf Have you read the let documentation? 00:31
Refers to a variable in an outer scope whose value will be restored if the block exits unsuccessfully, implying that the block returned a defined object.
dd returns Nil so it restores
deoac: ^
m: my $a=1; say $a; { let $a=2; dd $a; 123 }; say $a 00:32
camelia 1
Int $a = 2
deoac Ah, I didn't realize dd() returned a value implying the block failed.  Thank you. 00:41
rf Yeah it returns Nil, whereas say returns the gist 00:42
Yeuph lol, chatGPT isn't too bad at helping with Raku problems. 01:48
I've been having some fun
it seems to default to wanting to use NQP 01:49
have to ask it to stop
shmup that was my experience Yeuph, glad it's helped 02:52
el gatito (** advocate) pistol operator! 17:02
ab5tract I feel like that should be classified as an infix operator, not a postfix 17:04
rf Yeah I think the doc is wrong 17:07
Nemokosch What precedence may it have? 18:10
Rog love this 20:17
guifa Alright scientific is done, although it's currently formatting just doing all digits, need to get it to respect significant digits now 21:15