This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
habere-et-disper OK, I'm confused. This works as expected: 08:38
m: say map { $_, [*] $_ }, (3,4), (5,6)
camelia (((3 4) 12) ((5 6) 30))
habere-et-disper But then this doesn't:
m: say map { $_, [*] $_ }, (3,4)
camelia ((3 3) (4 4))
habere-et-disper No luck if I try and convince with:
m: say map { $_, [*] $_ }, (3,4).List
camelia ((3 3) (4 4))
habere-et-disper Except in prefix form: 08:39
m: say map { $_, [*] $_ }, (3,4)
camelia (((3 4) 12))
habere-et-disper What is going on ?!
Nemokosch what are you even trying to do? 08:49
habere-et-disper Given a thing, return it, followed by the reduction of it (by multiplication) 08:50
Nemokosch Oh 08:51
well, something.List is fundamentally different from something 08:52
habere-et-disper That's new to me.
Nemokosch the former is a conversion, and something that is already a List, will be converted into a List as itself
that's more or less the same reason the [] of arrays is actually idempotent 08:53
[[[1, 2, 3]]] is exactly the same as [1, 2, 3]
because at its heart, that's also a conversion, not a construction with listed elements (for the better or worse) 08:54
habere-et-disper (y) 08:59
librasteve m: say map { $, [*] $ }, ((3,4),) 13:31
Raku eval (((3 4) 12))
librasteve its the comma that makes a list, not the parens and your map is over a List of Lists 13:32