This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
Tirifto I’ll go with (Str => (Block, Block)). x) Thank you for your help, @nemokosch and kjp! 00:44
nemokosch Oh kjp is right, I didn't even pay attention to that aspect 07:00
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: 11:26
drudgesentinel I was trying to split a raku regex up earlier- is this a sane approach? my $date-regex = rx/ $<year> = /d ** 4 '-' $<month> = /d ** 2 '-' $<day> = /d ** 2 / 23:37
I gave up on using this approach, but was hoping to use named captures to print lines in more readable format 23:38
an example string: 2023-06-22T19:12:16+00:00
so if i wanted to grab the year, month, day out of this via a regex capture (and in my particular case this date format can be assumed) 23:39
the thing would compile, but I couldn't figure out how to pull out the individual matches from a .match
roguerakudev Shouldn't those /d's be \d's? 23:41
nemokosch Do you have a JS background? In JS, you can indeed look up keys of a hash as if it was an attribute of an object but you cannot do that in most languages 23:46
drudgesentinel Yes, sorry. Was hastily typing pseudocode
Yes also, though I'm not a 'real' programmer most of my experience is in node 23:47
roguerakudev Oh, I see what you mean now
nemokosch For the better or worse, I think this really sticks from JS, this mentality that hashes and records/objects are the same thing from different angles 23:48
In Raku, you can do a hash lookup using {} or <> so quite nicely <year> called on the match object would work presumably 23:49
roguerakudev Yes, that's what I was trying to find 23:50
nemokosch I'd double check the syntax and precedence of named captures just to be sure
roguerakudev you can treat the resulting match like a hash
so $<submatch> is going to default to looking at $/ (most recent match), but if you didn't match in a way that sets $/, you need to look up on whatever you assigned into with something like $match-obj<submatch> 23:51