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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
nhail This is a bit of an XY problem, because it isn't really raku-specific, but I'm posting it here because I'm writing this in raku :p. I'm trying to make a program which plays music, and the method I've found for this is the MPV ipc interface here: This works well enough, I can send commands with this code (replacing ... with some string manipulation): shell "echo ... | 02:10
socat - /tmp/mpvsocket" but I would like to make use of the event part of this protocol as well, and I'm not sure how to do that. I'm guessing it will be something with Proc, but I don't really know what.
(deleted my message, gonna post it elsewhere because it's unrelated to raku actually) 02:21
Anton Antonov Now I am curious... 12:33
nhail The original question was just me not understanding socat. Now, I don't understand socat and am having issues with Proc::Async. I'll figure it out though. 15:53
Anant Why does (^3).max give 3 17:18
lizmat that feels.. wrong :-) 17:23
Tirifto The docs comment Range’s ‘max’ method with: ‘Returns the end point of the range.’ 17:24
And show the same result for both inclusive and non-inclusive… so unless the examples are auto-generated and this was not intended, I would assume that the end point is considered the same, regardless of whether it is inclusive or not.
Not that I would anticipate it. :-) 17:25
Anant A bit counter-intuitive, since I expected (^3) to represent (0, 1, 2) 17:27
max(^3) gives 2 though 17:29
nhail I think (^3).max and max(^3) should be the same, whichever they are 17:37
lizmat agree 17:39
other weird cases; 17:40
m: say max (10..-10)
camelia -Inf
lizmat m: say (10..-10).max 17:41
camelia -10
lizmat the first because (10..-10).list is an empty list 17:42
m: say ().max
camelia -Inf
lizmat I guess that's the reason for the "end-point" semantics currently 17:43
ah.... max / min are the attributes on the Range object, duh 17:45
lizmat Tirifto: 18:18
Anant ^^ 18:20
nhail ^^
Tirifto lizmat, elegant. :-)
nemokosch I thought "max" was more or less an accidental attribute of Ranges, there is something else for them as well iirc 18:49
librasteve the relevant design doc for Range min max is here (line 3527) 22:14
it begs the question what should this be 22:15
m: (2.7..^9.3).max.say
Raku eval 9.3
librasteve if not 9.3? 22:16
Range method minmax seems to have the situation right and could be generalised to the min and max operations 22:18
If the Range is an integer range (as indicated by is-int), then this method returns a list with the first and last value it will iterate over (taking into account excludes-min and excludes-max). If the range is not an integer range, the method will return a two element list containing the start and end point of the range unless either of excludes-min or excludes-max are True in which case a Failure is
nhail I am attempting to use mpv's JSON IPC via socat, but running into issues. This code is mainly adapted from the Proc::Async demo code in the documentation: our $mpvproc = run <mpv --idle --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket>, :out; our $socatproc = :w, <socat - /tmp/mpvsocket>; # Async user input handling react { whenever $socatproc.stdout.lines { # split input on \r\n, \n, and \r say 22:25
'line: ', $_ } whenever $socatproc.stderr { # chunks say 'stderr: ', $_ } whenever $socatproc.ready { say 'PID: ', $_ # Only in Rakudo 2018.04 and newer, otherwise Nil } whenever $socatproc.start { say 'Proc finished: exitcode=', .exitcode, ' signal=', .signal; } whenever $socatproc.print: '{"command":["get_property", "pause"]}' { say 'sent message'
} } # Cleanup LEAVE { $socatproc.say: '{"command": ["quit"]}'; $socatproc.kill; } But this gives me the following output (line 49 is the react): PID: 22337 A react block: in block <unit> at ./async_testing.raku line 49 Died because of the exception: Cannot write to process that has already terminated in block <unit> at ./async_testing.raku line 49 I will also note the output from doing this "by
hand" in my terminal (the 1st and 3rd lines of the socat "output" are actually typed by me): $ mpv --idle --input-ipc-server=/tmp/testingsocket & [1] 21548 $ socat - /tmp/testingsocket {"command":["get_property", "pause"]} {"data":false,"request_id":0,"error":"success"} {"command":["quit"]} {"data":null,"request_id":0,"error":"success"} Exiting... (Quit) [1] + 21548 done mpv --idle