This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
lucs gfldex: Hey, thanks :) 00:57
snonux lucs, nice one, thanks :D 06:20
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: 12:18
vendethiel lizmat++ 13:33
lizmat: in containers vs references, the perl code says say @bar[1];. I think that should be a $ 13:34
librasteve lol
lizmat vendehiel: you're right :-) 13:39
librasteve crag of the day crag '$c=:<37 °C>; $f=:<98.6 °F>; say $f cmp $c' #Same 14:59
antononcube I have an "App::Rak" question: Is this expected to work rak --find --dir .. ? (This works rak --find --dir . .) 20:47
librasteve looks like a bug to me 20:50
lizmat yeah, looks like, please make an issue :-) 21:33
antononcube @lizmat I might have to make more than one. But since they come from the same study, maybe, I should put them into one issue. What do you think? 21:36
lizmat please make separate issues for different problems :-)
antononcube @lizmat Ok. 21:41