This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
leomehraban I'm having a bit of trouble with a method in a class that is supposed to tell wether the result of self.peek, a method witch returns a length 1 Str, is an alphabetical character or an underscore. The method is method isalpha(-->Bool){ return (self.peek ge "A" && self.peek le "Z") || (self.peek ge "a" && self.peek le "z") || self.peek == "_"; } When I try to run this, I get Cannot convert 11:56
string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '⏏_' (indicated by ⏏) in method isalpha at main.raku line 39. I'm confused because I don't know why it's trying to convert a string to a number in a context where it should only be comparing strings. I looked at the documentation for ge and le, and found nothing about converting to numbers. What am I doing wrong
gfldex `self.peek == "_"` == is a numerical comparator 12:00
`self.peek ~~ /<[A..Za..z_]>/` does the same and is more readable to my eyes. 12:04
leomehraban thanks. I'm just not used to regexes, so that thought didn't even cross my mind. I'll make sure to remember that next time 12:06
gfldex m: say so /<[A..Za..z_]>/ with <A z _ 1>.all 12:10
camelia False
gfldex Regex.Bool is funky. :->
Tirifto_ What would be the neat way to have object-specific (or object-defined) methods in a class? As far as I know, methods are always shared between all instances, while attributes are specific to (and potentially definable by) each instance, right? So if I want to do the same with methods/code, I need to have Method (or Routine etc.) objects as attributes… and if I want to preserve the standard method semantics, I should define a ‘real’ m 13:51
ethod which only passes its arguments on to that attribute for each object. Is that kinda correct?
lizmat Tirifto_: perhaps you're looking for ? 14:07
Tirifto_ lizmat, oh, I hadn’t thought of that! (Though I was just reading about roles yesterday.) I’ll see how that can work; thank you! 14:12
lizmat yw!
Tirifto_ lizmat, so the mixing works well, but seems to be free of any constraints. That is, when the class has a method with a given signature (and even when it fills a role with a given signature), the role I mix in can just override that method with its own, where the signature can be seemingly anything. I guess roles won’t do the trick if I want to be strict about that? `o` 15:56
(role with a given signature → role with a given signature on said method)
lizmat Tirifto_: is the method in the class a "multi" method or not? Are you trying to mix in a multi method with the same name but different signature ? 17:17
Tirifto_ I tried mixing in a non-multi method (forgot what the appropriate name was) with the same name and different signature, and that worked. 17:40
lizmat hmmm.. could you create a gist of what did not work for you ? 17:54
deoac  Has anyone created a robust regex for a Raku comment?  One that takes into account the '#' may be in a string, etc.?  I can't find something similar to CPAN's Regexp::Common 18:24
antononcube @deoac Maybe one of DrForr's packages has that. 19:01
nemokosch would the input be valid Raku? 19:14
frankly, I don't know if that can be done significantly cheaper than the parsing of that Raku, in which case parsing into RakuAST will be an easy win 19:16
deoac How would i make a regex to match a letter followed by any number of characters which are not that particular letter? 20:35
Variables don't interpolate inside <-[...]
antononcube @deoac There have to be several ways to do that. Here is one way / (\w) (\w+) <!{ $1.Str.contains($0.Str)} / . 20:43
gfldex m: say '#1234' ~~ / :my $thing; [.] { $thing = "/<-[{$/.Str}]>/".EVAL; } (<$thing>+) /; 21:05
camelia 「#1234」
0 => 「1234」
gfldex deoac: You can interpolate character classes, so long you are willing to dance with the devil. :-> 21:06
deoac Oh, sweet! Thank you 21:08