This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
00:11 ab5tract left, ab5tract joined 02:45 hythm joined 03:00 hythm left 03:30 hythm joined 05:47 hythm left 09:00 dakkar joined
knorrfg Hey, I'm having a problem: raku sub start_something() { indir "/", { my $proc = <sleep 10000000>; $proc.stdout.tap: {}; $proc.stderr.tap: {}; $proc.start; sub { $proc.kill(); } } } sub MAIN() { my &kill_fn = start_something(); LEAVE { &kill_fn(); } sleep 5; } 09:14
running this produces: $ raku rakuproblem.raku No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Callable' in sub MAIN at rakuproblem.raku line 13 in block <unit> at rakuproblem.raku line 1
and I really don't understand why
11:20 Tirifto left 11:21 Tirifto joined
antononcube Where I can find an example of a proper implementation of the gist method for a class? My naive attempts, e.g. method gist(-->Str) { self.Hash.Str; } lead to hanging during assigments and not being able to invoke .WHAT of the corresponding objects. 14:26
lizmat antononcube that example feels... weird? 14:30
nemokosch perhaps you want to set a different gist for the type object?
lizmat the only thing a .gist method is supposed to do, is to create a string representation of the invocant
if you make it a multi gist(class:D:) 14:31
then the type object case will be handled for you
nemokosch you'll have to type out multi method in this case, or else you fall back to multi sub 14:32
antononcube @lizmat Ok. I will try that.
lizmat nemokosch good catch, I meant multi method indeed
antononcube Thank you both! 14:33
librasteve KnorrFG: after some changing around with your code, I got a different error Type check failed in binding to parameter '&emit'; expected Callable but got Hash ({}) 15:08
to fix this you need the empty Callables for .tap to be like this: $proc.stdout.tap: {;}; $proc.stderr.tap: {;};
the semi colon is needed in the case of an do nothing Callable otherwise the compiler thinhs this is a literal empty hash ( 15:09
or I think it is OK to omit the empty Callable like this: $proc.stdout.tap; $proc.stderr.tap; 15:10
yeah the docs show that you will get an empty Callable set as default, in that case it is spelled a bit different to {;} method tap(Supply:D: &emit = -> $ { }, ...) 15:14
nemokosch it's an explicitly one-argument empty Block 15:15
drudgesentinel Hey all- I'm trying to get my comments on MAIN arguments to show, and want to know if I'm doing it wrong. Given this very simple program, I'd expect 'thing to print` to show when this is called without an argument(I'm on v6.d): » cat test.raku drudge@fedora sub MAIN( Str $message, #=thing to print ) { say $message; } Based on the CLI interface docs I would expect this to print 15:59
the comment » raku test.raku Usage: test.raku <message>
lizmat sub MAIN(Str $message) { #=thing to print 16:07
say $message;
note that #= indicates a comment, ad as such should be "outside" code
drudgesentinel ^^ 16:08
hope this makes sense
nemokosch I think it can actually work - when there is a space after 16:20
I've used that stuff a lot
librasteve ^^ that
the docs say # inside "frobnicate.raku" sub MAIN( Str $file where *.IO.f = 'file.dat', #= an existing file to frobnicate Int :$length = 24, #= length needed for frobnication Bool :$verbose, #= required verbosity ) { say $length if $length.defined; say $file if $file.defined; say 'Verbosity ', ($verbose ?? 'on' !! 'off'); }
(and it works providing you have the space after #= 16:21
nemokosch I don't think I have actual scripts to show now because they belong to my now-previous workplace 16:22
but it worked pretty well 16:24
some snippets were included in the presentation 😄
these definitely worked
17:45 dakkar left 18:10 hythm joined
.vushu <ab5tract> you were right that I can use int32 is rw, which will simplify things 🙂 18:17
ab5tract \o/
.vushu got way cleaner my int32 $count = 0; my $text = "Ab5tract"; my int32 $point = load-codepoints($text, $count); say $count; # show 8 my $snow-a = load-font-ex("resources/DotGothic16-Regular.ttf", 48, $point, $count); 18:27
ab5tract great! I’ll take a look at it now that I’ve finished Tetris: 18:29
.vushu damn thats cool 😆 18:46
ab5tract Thanks :D 18:47
librasteve omg - tetris in 228 lines (vs. 7432 for the original - that asm for you) 19:19
ab5tract Nice to know the original lines, I was pretty happy to land at 228. It could get golfed of course, but I want it to be a reference example. 19:22
librasteve well i only counted the main.asm 19:23
19:27 hythm left
ab5tract fair enough, we aren’t counting Raylib::Bindings or raylib :) 19:46
I followed a tutorial for this, by the way. There are a few differences but mostly the line count is just a result of writing Raku instead of C++ — 19:50
.vushu I'm a bit rusty at tetris :d 20:03
btw <ab5tract> here is raygui for raku if you will like to try 20:05
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ab5tract .vushu: awesome! I will definitely be exploring this 20:35
scullucs Speaking of Tetris, how do you like this one? (watch till the end, so to speak) 21:02
21:05 thowe left, thowe joined
.vushu that is nauseating 😵‍💫 21:06
scullucs The colors are annoying, but did you get the point? 21:07
ab5tract Its a weird illusion, for sure 21:09
.vushu: I needed these changes to make `zef install .` work for raygui-raku 21:11
.vushu cool thanks I don’t have a mac to test on, will fix it 🙂 21:14
ab5tract Have you had any luck with getting the audio streams working? It might be worth asking on stack overflow, some people answer there who don’t hang out here 21:35
.vushu no I haven’t look more into it, for sure I will try to ask SO for help 🙂 21:55