This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
rcmlz @antononcube ChatGPT never heard of the idea that too many people hate Perl. Whom can I trust? LOL User Why was perl6 renamed to Raku? Why Raku? ChatGPT The decision to rename Perl 6 to Raku was made to address confusion and to establish a clear identity for the language. Perl 6 had a long development history, and there was a desire to differentiate it from Perl 5 and to emphasize that it was a distinct 07:10
language with its own unique features. The name "Raku" was chosen after a comprehensive process that involved soliciting suggestions from the community and then selecting a name that was both unique and reflective of the language's character. "Raku" was chosen because it means "happy" or "comfortable" in Japanese, and the community felt that it represented the language's goals and philosophy well. The renaming was
officially announced in October 2019, and since then, the language has been referred to as Raku to avoid confusion with Perl 5 and to establish its own identity in the programming language landscape.
habere-et-disper max is confusing me... 07:29
m: (0..5).max.say 07:30
camelia 5
habere-et-disper m: (0..^5).max.say #why not 4?
camelia 5
nemokosch m: (0..^5).max.say 07:32
Raku eval 5
nemokosch Hmm
m: (0..^5).list.max.say
Raku eval 4
habere-et-disper m: (0..^5).minmax.max.say 07:49
camelia 4
lizmat m: m: dd (0..^5).minmax 09:33
camelia (0, 4)
antononcube There is no contradiction — “too many people hating Perl” means “Perl is popular”, hence the need to avoid confusion, etc. 10:54
rcmlz m: dd (0...^5).max 11:26
Raku eval 4
rcmlz Two or three dots - interesting ....
m: say max(0..^5) 11:30
Raku eval 4
rcmlz and function or method makes a difference. Interesting.
nemokosch m: say max 0..^5 12:17
Raku eval 4
nemokosch it really is interesting
habere-et-disper m: Book.pick(5) 15:13
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared name:
Book used at line 1. Did you mean 'Bool'?
habere-et-disper m: Book.pick(5)
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared name:
Book used at line 1. Did you mean 'Bool'?
habere-et-disper m: Bool.pick(5) 15:14
camelia ( no output )
habere-et-disper .say for Bool.pick(5)
m: .say for Bool.pick(5)
camelia False
habere-et-disper m: .say for Book.pick: 1 15:16
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared name:
Book used at line 1. Did you mean 'Bool'?
habere-et-disper m: .say for Bool.pick: 1
camelia True
habere-et-disper m:. say for Int.pick(2) 15:17
m: .say for Int.pick(2)
camelia (Int)
habere-et-disper How do I pick an integer? I see how to pick a boolean. 15:18
rcmlz m: say (^1000).pick 15:32
Raku eval 867
lizmat m: .say for Bool.roll(5) # if you want 5
camelia False
lizmat m: .say for Bool.roll(5) # if you want 5
camelia False
lizmat if you want exhaustive on repeat: 15:33
m: .say for Bool.roll(**).head(5)
camelia Cannot resolve caller Numeric(HyperWhatever:D: ); none of these signatures matches:
(Mu:U \v: *%_)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat m: .say for Bool.pick(**).head(5)
camelia True
lizmat m: .say for Bool.pick(**).head(10)
camelia False
dano I'm really enjoying Raku 19:57
Is it good for games?
Simple 2D stuff
lizmat perhaps is what you're looking for, dano 22:48