This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
winfredraj Hello all, is there a way make a dll using rakulang and call it with other languages 10:51
Grammars have me hooked here, it is not easy to do what we do with grammars elsewhere 10:52
lizmat not at the current time, afaik 11:01
winfredraj Ok thanks Lizmat, will that be a possibility if the old Gsoc project of self contained executables is completed? Or will that not be related? 11:08
lizmat that's exactly the project that needs to be completed
winfredraj Thanks 11:09
lizmat at the moment, the RakuAST effort has a higher prio
unless there's someone carrying on with the GSOC project
they will get all the help they need, I'm sure 11:10
winfredraj 👍 11:12
antononcube @winfredraj "Grammars have me hooked here, it is not easy to do what we do with grammars elsewhere" -- OOP grammars is why I moved to Raku. 13:03
@winfredraj Consider making a web service for your grammar functionalities. You can run it locally (on your computer), rent a server and run it on that server, and/or have a Docker image. 13:05
librasteve winfredraj: have you considered making a raku cli command (eg like App::Rak has rak and then wrapping to an SO like this 14:09
(obviously would need to adjust if you want a dll instead of an SO) 14:11
antononcube @librasteve Did you submit any of your Raky-Docker containers to Docker Hub? 14:16
@librasteve Ah -- here is one: 14:17
librasteve 14:43
the README tells you what is what
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