This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
jaguart . 12:33
jaguart.v1 I see that the vscode extension prettier supports plugins based around an AST... 12:34
antononcube @jaguart.v1 Do you mean bscan's Raku extension or a generic extension? 12:58
Hmm... I see you mean the extensoin named "prettier". 13:00
jaguart I mean the extension called Prettier - has provision for adding plugins to tidy your code. The plugin arch is based on an AST parser and a printer
antononcube I have not seen or heard about it before. I was thinking to try it out, but the reviews say it is too intrusive. 13:02
jaguart.v1 I'm using the LANG server for syntax highlight and symbol nav - but vscode/lang-server code nav is meh in any case 13:03
Do you mean Prettier? Yeah - it is opinionated, but as I mix and match a lot, I'm happy to go with a consistent opinionated layout 13:04
antononcube I do not like using VS Code at all, but I find it to be the best IDE for Jupyter notebooks with Raku or Python kernels.
jaguart I used to have opinions in the old Perl days - but having moved around so much, and having slightly off-centre preferences, I am now just happy with consistency :joy: 13:06
Honestly, VSCode is amazing and annoying at the same time. A case of complex is better - but I did a degree last year and they insisted so I've ended up persevering 13:07
antononcube Perl 🤮✝️💦
jaguart one nice thing that Perl now has is ``class MyClass { field $x; method y() {...} }`` - vs ``{ has $.x; method y() {...} }`` - its a smidge more consistent 13:10
but lack of parallelism is a real drawback 13:11
antononcube Parallelism in Raku never worked for me as expected. Meaning, I never get a very minor speed-up for the algorithms I tried. 13:12
But, it is good that parallelism is part of the language.
jaguart I use ``race`` for multi-server devops ssh connections - it's a blast
antononcube Right, recently someone told me about converting many Markdown files in parallel. (With Raku's "Markdown::Grammar".) 13:14
jaguart means that managing 20 servers in parallel is easy peasy - Perl does have IPC::Run which is great for forking but not so good for discovery-decide-execute which fits better into threading