This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022. |
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winfredraj | m: use P5pack; unpack("l", 46754); | 05:07 | |
Raku eval | Exit code: 1 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/glot/main.raku Could not find P5pack in: /home/glot/.raku /nix/store/g1bz1z20yh9n8dg7913r68grnkgg3584-rakudo-2024.01/share/perl6/site /nix/store/g1bz1z20yh9n8dg7913r68grnkgg3584-rakudo-2024.01/share/perl6/vendor /nix/store/g1bz1z20yh9n8dg7913r68grnkgg3584-rakudo-2024.01/share/perl6/core | ||
CompUnit::Repository::AbsolutePath<6320783867080> CompUnit::Repository::NQP<6320784284904> CompUnit::Repository::Perl5<6320784284944> at /home/glot/main.raku:1 | |||
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lizmat | winfredraj you can only unpack a Buf/Blob | 08:59 | |
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winfredraj | figured that out, thanks for the package lizmat, saved me doing a bunch of tedious transforms | 13:20 | |
lizmat | glad to hear | 13:21 | |
winfredraj | the reason why I tried that was, was to figure out how to use packages in m: | ||
lizmat | you can't, sadly :-( | 13:22 | |
winfredraj | oh | ||
lizmat | only modules that are provided with the core Rakudo | 13:32 | |
m: use Test; ok 1 | |||
camelia | ok 1 - | ||
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winfredraj | hello all, is there a way to write multimethod with a where clause based on the calling object, can I for example use something like multi consume(where self!state == 1)? | 16:47 | |
antononcube | @winfredraj You will most like get a message that that feature is not implemented yet. | 16:50 | |
winfredraj | oh no, would have made my code really clean | 16:52 | |
ab5tract | I don’t know about private methods but | ||
Give me a second | |||
antononcube | @winfredraj Can you try this? Is it close to what you want? my class Example { has $.state; multi method consume(where self.state == 1) { "State is 1" } multi method consume(where self.state != 1) { "State is not 1" } } my $obj1 = => 1); my $obj2 = => 2); say $obj1.consume; # State is 1 say $obj2.consume; # State is not 1 | 16:53 | |
I get this message with that code: > Cannot do non-typename cases of type_constraint yet | |||
winfredraj | im getting the same thing both with . and ! | 16:56 | |
maye we should mention the type as well | |||
antononcube | Is this clean enough? my class Example { has $.state; method consume() { given $!state { when 1 { self!consumeOne } default { self!consumeMore } } } method !consumeOne() { "State is 1" } method !consumeMore() { "State is not 1" } } my $obj1 = => 1); my $obj2 = => 2); say | 16:57 | |
$obj1.consume; # State is 1 | |||
winfredraj | just learning the beauty of multiple dispatch so going overboard with it | 16:58 | |
ab5tract | m: class V { method t() { True }; method v($SELF: $ where $ “ignored”) { say “check your self” } }; my $v =; $v.v | ||
camelia | check your self | ||
ab5tract | But it might be useful to look into the underutilized PRE phaser here as well | 16:59 | |
winfredraj | I am trying to wrap my head around this, what is $SELF:S denote? | 17:13 | |
ab5tract | Ah, fair enough! | 17:16 | |
You can access self as a regular scalar variable by declaring it as the first parameter of a method _behind a single :_ | 17:17 | ||
$SELF is a common convention but it could be anything | |||
The anonymous variable after the colon is to signal that you don’t care about this value within the method | 17:18 | ||
winfredraj | and the $after :, what does that denote? | ||
lizmat uses \SELF: to get at any container the invocant is living in | |||
winfredraj | ah ok $ is dont care , just had to read again once more | 17:25 | |
thanks | |||
antononcube | @ab5tract Well, I do not see a multi method definition -- can you provide a full write up with at least two multi methods that check an attribute $!state? | 17:34 | |
ab5tract | No | ||
winfredraj: $ is a bit more than that in fact but in the context of a routine signature it’s a way to attach constraints like type or a where clause | 17:37 | ||
But it does count as a positional so it becomes a required argument unless you add a default value as I did above | 17:38 | ||
You will see anonymous variables inside of blocks where their ultimate utility is revealed | |||
m: sub s { say ++$ }; s() xx 5 | 17:40 | ||
camelia | 1 2 3 4 5 |
ab5tract | One common use for them in signatures is dispatching based on enum | 17:42 | |
Since you don’t really care about that enum inside of the method, you can do ‘multi method m(@actions, TaskType $ where Compile) {…}’ | 17:43 | ||
winfredraj | thanks for the explanation | 17:47 | |
antononcube | @ab5tract "No" -- Your code then does not answer the original question. Interesting, though... | 17:53 | |
ab5tract | antononcube:If you weren’t treating me like an AI, you might get better results | 18:18 | |
I’m not in the business of producing “full write ups” on demand when I’ve presented the exact core of the question: how to call methods on self from a where clause | 18:20 | ||
antononcube | @ab5tract Ok, your code does show how to call a method with self and where clause. But I doubt it scales. | 18:25 | |
ab5tract | m: class C { has $!v = “ok”; multi method m($ where $!v eq “ok”) { say “no longer ok”; $!v = “nok” }; multi method m($ where $!v eq “nok”) { say “let’s go back to ok”; $!v = “ok” } }; my $c =; $c.m(“ignored”) xx 5 | ||
camelia | no longer ok let’s go back to ok no longer ok let’s go back to ok no longer ok |
ab5tract | Scales to what? | ||
Present something it doesn’t do | |||
More importantly, try it on your own and see what it _can_ do before treating me like a prompt | 18:26 | ||
antononcube | @ab5tract The last code you provided does I asked earlier. And it fairy different that your first code answer. | 18:28 | |
And, yes, I did try both your code before asking you to clarify. | 18:29 | ||
ab5tract | A “full write up” is clarification now? | 18:34 | |
Asking for clarification would have been something like, “can I use this with instance variables?” | |||
But why would you ask that when you can literally try it in a minute or less? | 18:35 | ||
Even so, you would have gotten a friendlier response with that line of asking | |||
antononcube | Mean response with working code is fine too. | 18:39 | |
And, no I did not figure out how to use your original code answer, that is why asked. | 18:40 | ||
ab5tract | It’s usually helpful to have an example of what isn’t working for someone in order to help them | 18:42 | |
winfredraj | got the original exmaple working -> "ignored" seems to be important - Thanks all | ||
ab5tract | winfredraj: awesome! | 18:44 | |
winfredraj | or any argument for that matter, ill play around more with it | 18:46 | |
librasteve | fwiw I like this multi method m(\this: $ where this.v eq “ok”) {...} | 18:49 | |
$SELF is a bit too shouty for me | |||
and self is already defined | |||
antononcube | @ab5tract "It’s usually helpful to have an example of what isn’t working for someone in order to help them" - It is also seems very helpful to tell someone that their approach is wrong and it does not apply. Then they provide working code. | 18:50 | |
ab5tract | m: class V { has $!t = False; multi method v($SELF where $!t:) { say “check your self”; $!t = False}; multi method v($SELF where not $!t:) { say “check YOU out!”; $!t = True} }; my $v =; $v.v xx 9 | 18:53 | |
camelia | check YOU out! check your self check YOU out! check your self check YOU out! check your self check YOU out! check your self check YOU out! |
ab5tract | winfredraj: check this out ^^^ | 18:54 | |
winfredraj | oh cooler | ||
ab5tract | antononcube: that only works when it’s true. You still haven’t provided an example of what wasn’t working for you | 18:55 | |
I don’t even understand how you can argue that my code didn’t work when it literally | 18:57 | ||
works here in the chat | |||
the original question said nothing about using instance variables | |||
winfredraj | m: class V { has $!t = False; multi method v($SELF where $!t:$just_for_test) { say “check your self”; $!t = False}; multi method v($SELF where not $!t:) { say “check YOU out!”; $!t = True} }; my $v =; $v.v(1) xx 9 | 18:58 | |
Raku eval | Exit code: 1 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/glot/main.raku Variable '$just_for_test' is not declared. Perhaps you forgot a 'sub' if this was intended to be part of a signature? at /home/glot/main.raku:1 ------> = False; multi method v($SELF where $!t:⏏$just_for_test) { say “check your self”; | ||
winfredraj | oh just tried your 2nd example with a second parameter, just playing around | 18:59 | |
ill play in my repl instead of making the chat untidy | 19:00 | ||
ab5tract | No worries :) | ||
I think the issue there is that $!t is set to False by default but you only added a positional argument to the candidate that needs $!t to be true | 19:02 | ||
winfredraj: ah, well that's a different issue, but the error above is because the parser needs a whitespace between that single colon and the first variable | 19:05 | ||
antononcube | @ab5stract "I don’t even understand how you can argue that my code didn’t work when it literally" -- where / when did I say that? | 19:06 | |
winfredraj | got to hit the sack - thanks @antononcube @librasteve @<ab5tract> and @lizmat - goodnight ( or later) | 19:09 | |
ab5tract | antontoncube: `It is also seems very helpful to tell someone that their approach is wrong and it does not apply. Then they provide working code.` | 19:10 | |
that statement implies non-working code | |||
You still haven't shared a single example of something you tried with what I've presented that didn't work | 19:11 | ||
Let alone something that demonstrates that my "approach is wrong" and inapplicable | 19:13 | ||
antononcube | @ab5tract That was a generic statement, an answer to your generic statement. Note that you are not mentioned in that in statement. | 19:25 | |
ab5tract | I didn't present a generic statement. I was specifically referring to your approach | 19:31 | |
And I am incredulous that you expect me to believe that you didn't intend the same | |||
antononcube | @ab5tract Believe whatever you want, but I did not write that your code in not working. | 19:36 |