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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
renormalist I don't find it on my own. Using a grep's success in a boolean way? my $found-it = $file.lines.grep:{ /SOME \s* STRING/ }; 23:05
ab5tract you can use ‘so’ or ‘?’ on an expression to produce a boolean 23:08
m: say so 55; say ? 0;
camelia True
ab5tract m: say so []; say ? (0) 23:09
camelia False
renormalist The ? works, thanks.
ab5tract single arg rule strikes again
renormalist Is that an operator for that purpose? Never read about it yet. 23:10
ab5tract Yeah it’s a prefix operator
? is to ‘so’ as && is to ‘and’
renormalist so also works, I have heard that but didn't know it is a prefix op
ab5tract Mostly interchangeable but with an important distinction in precedence level 23:11
renormalist Let me find where it is documented, brb 23:12 - m'kay, "Evaluates its argument in Boolean context", quite what I was looking for, ok. 23:13
The ? is more my readability style though, but I get the precedence thing, like in Perl and/or vs &&/||. 23:14
Ok, I guess that was the answer I was searching, thanks again. :-)
ab5tract m: my $s = ? 0 || 55; dd :$s 23:21
camelia :s(55)
ab5tract m: my $s = so 0 || 55; dd :$s
camelia :s(Bool::True)
ab5tract The other distinction is that so has a method variant but ? does not 23:23
renormalist that means I would prefer actually the "so" to less need of parens on its right side, too bad for my preference of "?" but so be it. (no pun intended) 23:24
ab5tract I personally tend towards so because something like ?$!foo starts to look intentionally malicious to my eyes but TMTOWTDI for exactly this kind of difference in opinion
True. Sometimes ? saves you from a set of parens and sometimes it forces you to them on you 23:28
renormalist I see the opinion, ack. Yet not what in particular makes that expression malicious
$!foo is an internal class member, right?
object member
ab5tract It’s any class member variable, actually
When declaring, it marks it as internal 23:29
But I never use $.foo inside of method bodies
renormalist (I mean it te oter way around with the parens. I would prefer the ? but need so to have less parens on remaining line. Not?)
ab5tract (And yeah, object member or instance variable) 23:31
renormalist so with ?$!foo you also mean ? as this boolean evaluator which would look malicious? Or is there some actual golfing in that expression? Just want to understand what you mean. 23:32
ab5tract The intentionally malicious thing is just in reference to the complaints about similarities to line noise
renormalist ok, then I get it
ok, I think that's it for tonight. Will get some sleep. Good night. 23:33
ab5tract Cheers!