This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
00:02 Manifest0 joined 02:11 Manifest0 left 02:27 Ebudae left 03:46 librasteve_ left
rcmlz @librasteve I red about HTMX and Cro and Raku. I was wondering why there is no mention of that in the HTML Examples section. Did you consider adding one of your examples? 07:55
or even here: 07:57
SmokeMachine romiz: I suppose because all that is very new… 07:58
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librasteve rcmlz: fantastic idea! SM is correct that today's advent post is right on the bleedin' edge - however, a couple of months ago I have rewritten all the in raku and Cro (with Cro Template Syntax) which you can enjoy here: (main branch) - I like your idea and will propose sharing this to the sites you list - as we (?) bring in 10:27
Fragments, Functional and Cromponents to the examples (Fragments is done, but waiting for the recent Cro::WebApp changes to be released by patrickbr)
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rcmlz Out of curiosity: there is no such thing as CGI for Raku? So the „old-school-way“ of putting up a few lines of Perl cgi script onto a cheap webserver is not available for Raku? 16:14
(besides the fact, that Raku is never global installed on these cheap web spaces) 16:16
So for productive setup someone would use e.g. nginx to make the link between a Raku driven website (running Cro on localhost) and the outer world? 16:21
Or is this solved these days with the cloud-setup-never-fail-tools based on swarms of docker and stuff lije that? 16:24
lizmat fwiw, is using an nginx frontend and a Cro backend 16:26
makes handling Let's Encrypt certificates a lot easier (and in line with the other sites I host) 16:27
rcmlz but setup like this require a dedicated VM (managed manually) or is this all behind some cloud infrastructure management tools? 16:28
librasteve i just built a raku-cro-nginx-let’s encrypt on AWS EC2 ubuntu LTS … i would say that is standard and for my needs likely can share a server instance across multi cro and wordpress sites … did it use docker this time but docker compose is also a good path 16:31
rcmlz: it’s been a while since i heard of cgi … i think the modern version of this is to have an http server handle request response (eg cro) on one or more routes and use eg nginx to integrate server routes on a machine 16:36
rcmlz So there is e.g. a „deploy“ bash-script that takes a fresh VM and does all the setup - and databases or data files are on different host? 16:37
librasteve will get you an empty raku docker ubuntu on ec2 16:41 does what you describe for Wordpress on top of that
rcmlz Thank you. I have a clearer picture now about the technical setup of a Raku driven website might look like. 16:44
librasteve the build section here is my manual steps to achieve basic install of cro (no db) … so it’s on my radar to automate but i want to do a production build first to uncover any wrinkles 16:45
also there are good instructions on the raku cro docs for how to do this with docker (and kubernetes i suppose) which i will try to follow also 16:46
oh and somewhere i am planning to bring Red and mysql onboard 16:47
btw i would love any feedback / collaboration / feature requests at please note it’s all quite experimental atm 16:48
&afk 16:51
rcmlz I am all-in on „experimental“ :-) Recently I got interested in Nix (and guix) because I work in a BYOD environment and desperately want „reproduceability“ on my own and on the computers of all students - and automate any setup fully. Maybe I manage at some point how to package rakudo-star for Nix packages, which could be extended in your direction. But there is not much time for that „interest“ atm 16:56
scullucs Bring Your Own Drugs? 16:58
rcmlz So my long term goal would be to have for each programming or research project a default.nix that does all the needed things and make it „work“ - including Jupyter and perhaps stuff like Cro etc. 17:00
Device 🤓
scullucs Oh, okay. Probably better 🙂
rcmlz And atomatically setting up Rakudo, Cro, Red, MySQL, ngingx etc. on a local VM via Nix should be not much different from doing the same on a VM somewhere else. 17:03
SmokeMachine Red has no MySql driver yet… :( 17:09
That’s probably the next thing I should tackle… I have started… but not there yet: 17:12
If anyone would like to help… 17:13
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