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rcmlz I just stumbled on cheatsheets.zip/ (there was an article in our students magazine) and noticed that Raku is missing. Apparently this nicely displays Markdown files like this one github.com/Fechin/reference/blob/m...ts/perl.md . As far as I see it is simply "Concept-Name + Code Example". Reading all the articles about Raku-DOC, how do people familar with this see the possibility to 12:19
extract such an .md from the existing documentation?
antononcube And “App::Rak” is not there too! 13:42
Also, not Mathematica / Wolfram Language. Sigh…
ab5tract rcmlz: reminds me a bit of learnxinyminutes.com/raku/ .. maybe the content there could serve as starting inspiration? 15:22
Regarding RakuDoc, there exists raku.land/cpan:SOFTMOTH/Pod::To::Markdown