msiism Is there a way to have two unrelated counter variables in any kind of loop construct in Raku? 18:55
Hm… thinking about it more, this wouldn't help solving my problem (which I have already solved) anyway. 18:57
antononcube You can use Cartesian product of the "counting variables." E.g. ((^12) X (^4)).map({ ... }). 18:59
lizmat msiism: I guess you could abuse Complex numbers for that ? 20:26
ab5tract I'm having fun imagining what "two unrelated counter variables in a loop construct" might actually mean 20:27
does one count up and the other count down? does one increase by interval X and the other by interval Y? maybe it means you can only view one or the other in the loop body, but never both? 20:28
msiism I was thinking something along the lines of `loop ($x = 0; $x < 100; ++$x; $y = 0; $y < 10; $i + 2) {…}`. 21:19
That doesn't really make sense, though.
I was trying to find a shortcut to using nested loops. As it turns out, Raku already provides that. 21:57
ab5tract you've managed to make me even more curious :) 22:26
msiism I was trying to solve a task in the examples section of the Raku course. Let me find it… 22:37 22:38
Err… I meant exercises, not examples. But these exercises surely do exemplify a few things. 22:40
I did actually go with nested loops instead there because, IMO, that resulted in way more transparent code. 22:41
ab5tract msiism: got it, thanks! 23:16
msiism When I enter a number as a command-line argument, it seems I have to convert it to a numeric type explicity before using it in calculations. 23:23
Like, you apparently can't just say `my $input = @*ARGS[0];` and then do, e.g., `my $result = $input div 10 - 2;`. 23:26
ab5tract one way around that is to use a coercion 23:28
msiism Yeah, seem div does not force its arguments to be integers.
`Int($input)` works.
msiism I could also do that on the input right up top. 23:29
ab5tract indeed, as an argument to `MAIN`
lizmat you probably want :coerce-allomorphs-to(Int) 23:30
ab5tract lizmat++
msiism I'm just doing `my $input = Int(@*ARGS[0]);` for now. But I'll keep a note. Thanks!
ab5tract (what I had in mind was `sub MAIN(Int() $input)` 23:31
msiism I see. I'm not in the subs chapter yet.
lizmat that would work also, but you'd need a sub MAIN then
SUB-MAIN-OPTS works before that, interpreting the command line args and setting up @*ARGS 23:32
afk& 23:33
ab5tract yeah, it's even better for this case
nahita3882 msiism: it works for me, e.g., my $input = @*ARGS[0]; say my $result = $input div 10 - 2; with raku prog.raku 12, it prints -1 and exits 23:46
msiism Interesting. 23:48
nahita3882 $input is of type Str but in numeric context, it's tried to be interpreted as a numeric value implicitly for us
msiism Well, I get an error when I do this. 23:51 23:52
nahita3882 hmm, I think this is to do with divs behaviour and it changed along the way 23:54
(i realized you already said " div does not force its arguments to be integers", sorry)
i used 2024.10 and it worked, so I assume your version is different
msiism Yeah, it's v2022.12. 23:55