habere-et-disper I'm struggling to get raku installed on nixos. 22:11
There appears to be no rakudo-star there.
So went with plain raku but that can't see Readline although that's installed too.
Do I have to fiddle with the environment LD_* ?
Thanks !
habere-et-disper In `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix` 23:30
I have `environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ readline70 rakudo ];`
What else do I need to do to get raku to find readline ?
`zef install Readline` fails with `Cannot locate native library 'libreadline.so.7': libreadline.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory` 23:33
lizmat_ instal libreadline first? 23:39
habere-et-disper I think it is installed via adding it to `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix`. It's just not seeing it as I see `libreadline.so` down in `/nix/store/...` among other places. 23:43
So it works if I do `export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/nix/store/XXX/lib/` andthen `zef install Readline` where XXX is a long and hardcoded folder -- which doesn't seem right. 23:52
I found the folder doing a recursive search for `libreadline.so` 23:54