Geth rakudo: vrurg++ created pull request #4072:
Make Num coercer demand definite invokator
vrurg greppable6: refinement 03:26
greppable6 vrurg, 14 lines, 9 modules:
Geth rakudo: vrurg++ created pull request #4073:
Fix subsets of coercions
roast: vrurg++ created pull request #705:
Add tests for coercive subsets
gfldex Is there any way to access the current package from within sub EXPORT? 10:50
Found it. CALLER::<&your-sub> does work. 10:57
Xliff gfldex++ 12:03
FWIW, I'm definitely noticing parsing slowdown since the beginning of the month.
Xliff See:;range=B2 12:11
Row 30
Xliff Altai-man: \o 12:14
Altai-man: 12:15
lizmat Files=1346, Tests=117142, 228 wallclock secs (29.86 usr 8.76 sys + 3148.66 cusr 300.89 csys = 3488.17 CPU) 12:18
that's 4 seconds better than last time, almost 2% better 12:19
Geth rakudo: a75b3fa86a | (Vadim Belman)++ | src/core.c/Rational.pm6
Make Num coercer demand definite invocant

This changes the error message reported back to user from a cryptic
  'Cannot look up attributes in a <...> type object' to more correct
  'Invocant of method 'Num' must be an object instance of type 'Rational',
not a type object of type 'Rat'. Did you forget a '.new'?'
rakudo: 3202466a79 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core.c/Rational.pm6
Merge pull request #4072 from vrurg/rakudo_1517

Make Num coercer demand definite invocant
rakudo: af43ef625b | (Vadim Belman)++ | 3 files
Fix subsets of coercions

A subset would now coerce a value if built upon a coercion type.
   subset S of Num(Str) where {!.defined || $_ > 0};
   my S $foo;
   $foo = "42"; # 42e0
Fix for #1405
linkable6 RAKUDO#1405 [open]: Coercers as `of` in subsets appear to silently fail
Geth rakudo: 4e21adab9e | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 3 files
Merge pull request #4073 from vrurg/rakudo_1405

Fix subsets of coercions
Xliff Question: Why are coercions executed in the dispatch before subsets? 12:24
m: subset IntegerStr where Int | Str; multi sub a (IntStr $arg) { say 'IntStr' }; multi sub a (Num() $arg) { say 'Num' }; a('Hi'); a(42); a(PI) 12:26
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared name:
PI used at line 1
Xliff m: subset IntegerStr where Int | Str; multi sub a (IntStr $arg) { say 'IntStr' }; multi sub a (Num() $arg) { say 'Num' }; a('Hi'); a(42); a(pi)
camelia Num
Xliff IntStr is more restrictive than Num(), right?
m: subset IntegerStr where Int | Str; multi sub a is default (IntStr $arg) { say 'IntStr' }; multi sub a (Num() $arg) { say 'Num' }; a('Hi'); a(42); a(pi) 12:27
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 where Int | Str; multi sub a is default7⏏5 (IntStr $arg) { say 'IntStr' }; multi s
expecting any of:
new name to be defined
Xliff m: subset IntegerStr where Int | Str; multi sub a (IntStr $arg) is default { say 'IntStr' }; multi sub a (Num() $arg) { say 'Num' }; a('Hi'); a(42); a(pi)
camelia Num
Xliff ???
Geth roast: 4661ac5c7e | (Vadim Belman)++ | S02-types/nominalizables.t
Add tests for coercive subsets

In support of rakudo/rakudo#4073
roast: a96475a845 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | S02-types/nominalizables.t
Merge pull request #705 from vrurg/rakudo_1405

Add tests for coercive subsets
linkable6 RAKUDO#4073 [closed]: Fix subsets of coercions
lizmat afk for a few hours& 13:06
lizmat interested in a preview of my advent blog post? Check it out at 20:27
MasterDuke lizmat: "script get run" -> gets 20:35
lizmat fixed, MasterDuke++ 20:36
MasterDuke nice article, i've never actually used or seen github actions, so very useful
lizmat thanks! 20:39
lizmat goes afk for a few hours&
timotimo i find myself wanting to typecheck an object for "is it a Promise::Vow", but that's not reachable 23:43