🦋 Welcome to the IRC channel of the core developers of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org #rakulang). This channel is logged for the purpose of history keeping about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | log inspection situation still under development | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by lizmat on 22 May 2021.
Geth rakudo: fb749d99ec | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 3 files
Give CompUnit::PrecompilationUnit::File its own file

There is no reason to keep this inside CompUnit::Precompilation::Store::File
nine lizmat: EVALing CURS is an interesting idea! 07:48
lizmat: I see CompUnit::PrecompilationUnit::File as an implementation detail of CompUnit::PrecompilationStore::File. 07:51
lizmat well, perhaps it is now, but maybe not so in the future ? 07:52
nine github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/fb74...onUnit.pm6 could use some splitting though.
Why would that change?
The public interface is CompUnit::PrecompilationUnit
Though now that I look at it, I have to admit that it's not all that PrecompilationStore::File specific. It could be used in any store that stores precompiled modules in files. 07:54
lizmat right
MasterDuke nine: is gist.github.com/MasterDuke17/0c5b3...ff5b4fcfcd (that's in `optimize_call()`) the sort of thing you're thinking of? 10:36
`MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING=1 CALL_NO_WANT=1 valgrind --tool=callgrind raku -e 'my Int $r = (^100).pick; multi foo (Int $i) { $i + $r }; my int $a; $a = foo 3 for ^100_000; say now - INIT now; say $a'` reports ~2m instructions fewer 10:38
MasterDuke also making the signature `int` now works with the literal value (and correctly doesn't work if the literal value is > max int value) 11:20
patrickb jdv: Compiled tarballs are done. 12:19
lizmat notable6 weekly 12:27
notable6: weekly
notable6 lizmat, No notes for “weekly”
dogbert11 lizmat: managed to create a Moarvm PR in case you need more material :) 12:47
lizmat dogbert11: thanks :-) 13:02
MasterDuke nine: however, i just remembered that i stopped whatever that other thing i was working on was because jnthn pointed out Actions/Optimizer/etc are getting dramatically changed in rakuast. so this might be another thing to punt until after that lands 13:03
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2022/03/21/2022-...easomatic/ 14:56
[Tux] Rakudo v2022.03-3-gfb749d99e (v6.d) on MoarVM 2022.03-1-gefff4cd31
csv-ip5xs0.804 - 0.852
csv-ip5xs-205.181 - 5.618
csv-parser3.739 - 4.147
csv-test-xs-200.399 - 0.458
test6.520 - 6.540
test-t1.457 - 1.701
test-t --race0.980 - 1.065
test-t-2021.220 - 21.482
test-t-20 --race6.389 - 6.982
I think it is safe to ignore the 1.7. Likely something kicked in in the background, like a cron-job of some sort 16:01
nine Oh, so maybe we should rally on RakuAST 16:49
MasterDuke i haven't been following it very closely. any lhf available? 16:54
nine No idea. Compiling it for the first time just now 17:03
MasterDuke: there's a src/Raku/ast/README.md in the branch with an "If you want to help..." section 17:17
MasterDuke ugh, doesn't cleanly rebase onto master for me 17:19
nine I'd have been surprised if it did considering the intrusiveness of the branch 17:20
MasterDuke i thought i saw that someone else had rebased it a couple days ago 17:21
yeah, on the 14th
oh, at least that what i assume it was 17:22
did you just gen nqp and moarvm? 17:28
oh, once i did things correctly it did rebase onto master 17:31
Geth rakudo: ca09e6fcc3 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | lib/CompUnit/Repository/Staging.rakumod
Add .deploy method to CUR::Staging

This should allow tests to install modules to be tested into a Staging directory, run tests, and then simply call .deploy to copy the binary files into the right location (rather than needing to re-install and re-precompile again).
lizmat ugexe nine ^^
melezhik hi raku devs. I am thinking about distributed test systems for selected Raku modules (zef test) against Rakudo daily commits, to catch Rakudo bugs against community modules, difference with Blin - this is distributed system would be run on cluster - in parallel for many modules so we could imagine significantly short time, I am not sure if this is 19:41
a problem with Blin right now, just testing a water here ...
nine melezhik: that more or less already exists: build.opensuse.org/project/show/ho...rakudo-git 19:44
sena_kun melezhik, Blin can split work over all the cores for a single machine, and with nowadays monsters with 12 or 16 cores it takes about an hour to test everything.
in the bright future of tens of thousands of modules that would be great, but maybe not in the short term 19:45
nine Re-reading your message, I dare say the exact thing you're describing exists
MasterDuke `Unknown compilation input 'optimize'`, which is an NQP error, when running `RAKUDO_RAKUAST=1 ./rakudo-m --ll-exception -I lib/ t/01-sanity/99-test-basic.t` 19:47
with not a single mention of t/01-sanity/99-test-basic.t anywhere in the backtrace... 19:48
nine MasterDuke: in !produce-reader? That's what I'm currently working on
MasterDuke yeah. cool, i'll move on
MasterDuke oh, lots of them are doing that. well, hopefully when you solve that a bunch of stuff will get unlocked 19:50
even t/12-rakuast/literals.t doesn't run? `===SORRY!=== 20:06
Could not find MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL in:
nine Haha, that's the one I picked and went with :)
That MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL is easy to get around
even the optimize issue is. Getting !produce-reader to actually produce a reader though is harder 20:07
drakonis i find this might be a better place to ask than #moarvm 20:50
given that rakudo does not have TCO, how would it be added to it? 20:51
SmokeMachine melezhik: could it be a k8s cluster with containers/pods running each module’s tests? 21:21
MasterDuke ok, multi-hour distraction over (why is buying a house so hard?)...so optimize and MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL can be gotten around? you mean you fixes those problems or they aren't really problems? 22:36
nine Just rather trivial to stub/fix. What I've gotten so far: gist.github.com/niner/a73b112bcee3...0a03c1bc55 22:39
japhb imagines needing to learn secret handshakes before being allowed to buy a house: "Oh come on! This handshake has 537 moves and takes half an hour! Can't I just sign a stack of documents instead?" 22:47
Geth rakudo/master: 5 commits pushed by (Daniel Green)++, MasterDuke17++ 23:31