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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
Kaiepi ! 00:00
the loadbytecodefh op doesn't seem to help the jvm much atm, but adding it changes the size of the allocation that triggers the CORE.d.setting error from 559541 to 559553 on my machine 00:01
Kaiepi the fix for Java/JavaRuntime imports on jvm-necromancy is kind of a hack: it only works because the exports are getting containerized 14:28
without the containers, no symbol for whatever reason
Kaiepi there should already be a way around this though, just need to mess around a bit 14:30
Kaiepi aha! 20:58
t/03-jvm/01-interop.t breakage is just unrelated, recent breakage 20:59
Perl6::Metamodel::JavaHOW.archetypes was missing its `$obj?`
which gets overwritten by a symbol error in Perl6::Actions 21:00
vrurg Kaiepi: it was my recent change to add the parameter to archetypes method. Looks like I missed it in JavaHOW. 22:47
Kaiepi: just add an optional positional.