🦋 Welcome to the IRC channel of the core developers of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org #rakulang). This channel is logged for the purpose of history keeping about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Logs available at irclogs.raku.org/raku-dev/live.html | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
Geth nqp: Kaiepi++ created pull request #778:
Do not emit a deprecation warning when importing an EXPORTHOW::SUPERSEDE
XliffyMac P6-GLib suite timing statistics for Raku 2022.07.18.gdbf.035.d.83 09:13
Total number of projects: 33 (483391 loc)
Total non-parallel compile times: 9081.370 (275.193 avg)
Total parallel compile times: 1576.441 (47.771 avg) 5.761x speedup
Geth rakudo: d059921b72 | (Ben Davies)++ (committed by Christian Bartolomäus) | src/vm/jvm/Perl6/Metamodel/JavaHOW.nqp
[JVM] Add missing $obj? to Perl6::Metamodel::JavaHOW.archetypes

Allows for t/03-jvm/01-interop.t to pass once more.
jdv AlexDaniel: was there a change on the whateverable build box or whatever? 17:44
AlexDaniel jdv: maybe, maybe not
jdv: depends on what you mean
for example, when `gcc` is updated, this results in slightly different rakudo binaries
recently there was a debian release, and I believe that the system rolled over to it 17:45
jdv gist.github.com/jdv/ffa82e105b75a9...04005a174b
AlexDaniel I can give a more specific answer to a more specific question :)
alright, that's a bit concerning 17:46
jdv that docker image has worked since december
AlexDaniel but
e: say 42
evalable6 42
AlexDaniel jdv: aaa, okay, your glibc is not new enough
any chance you can upgrade the image itself? 17:47
jdv i just updated it in the container
AlexDaniel this has been an issue for quite some time actually… rakudo must be built with an old enough glibc in order to be portable between the systems
I build stuff on debian, and it comes with whatever
so… hm
the build process should be dockerized of course to eliminate that issue 17:48
but yeah, it isn't, so that's where we are right now
jdv looks like 2.28 is the most up to date for the image's os 17:49
AlexDaniel bullseye comes with 2.31 and bookworm with 2.34 17:50
jdv which is buster
AlexDaniel buster is 2019 release 17:51
and it's 2.28 on buster, yeah
jdv i'll try rebuilding to bullseye 17:52
AlexDaniel I'm a bit confused by that output… it looks for 3 different glibc versions, none of which is in bullseye 😂
jdv i am largely ignorant of blin - its "just worked" for me so far. 17:53
AlexDaniel well, looking at the current situation, it seems like upgrading to bullseye is not going to necessarily help 17:58
but… try it
it's an issue on my side actually, my glibc is even newer
I can try downgrading it, but it's a bit scary 😂 17:59
jdv: upgrading to debian testing is going to work for sure…
AlexDaniel aaaand if you're wondering what just happend – I typed `sudo reboot` into the wrong machine 18:03
jdv why is the build stuff running on testing? seems a bit bleeding edge 18:07
AlexDaniel good question… :) 18:08
jdv where is nxadm - i can't get the image to build... 18:09
.seen nxadm 18:14
tellable6 jdv, I haven't seen nxadm around, did you mean nadim?
jdv .seen El_Che 18:15
tellable6 jdv, I saw El_Che 2022-08-20T22:41:08Z in #raku: <El_Che> (just kidding)
jdv .tell El_Che need help rebuilding the blin image on debian testing because gist.githubusercontent.com/jdv/ffa...tfile1.txt
tellable6 jdv, I'll pass your message to El_Che
jdv note that the release may be delayed because of this - whoever is interested...:) 18:16
releasable6 Next release in ≈4 days and ≈23 hours. 1 blocker. Please log your changes in the ChangeLog: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/ChangeLog-Draft 19:00
gfldex m: fail('bad') // say 'failed'; 22:02
camelia bad
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
gfldex m: Failure.new('bad') // say 'failed';
camelia failed
gfldex is there a reason for the difference? 22:03
lizmat "fail" *throws* a Failure 22:07
Failure.new just creates an object
gfldex m: sub { fail('bad') }() // say 'failed'; 22:46
camelia failed