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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
04:32 camelia left, nine left, nine_ joined 04:38 camelia joined 09:05 sena_kun joined 14:24 vrurg_ joined
[Tux] Rakudo v2023.11-69-ge22987f4c (v6.d) on MoarVM 2023.11-1-gbe03e26fc
csv-ip5xs0.267 - 0.273
csv-ip5xs-201.137 - 1.140
csv-parser1.540 - 1.578
csv-test-xs-200.140 - 0.142
test1.998 - 2.009
test-t0.426 - 0.427
test-t --race0.276 - 0.279
test-t-205.078 - 5.202
test-t-20 --race1.214 - 1.221
14:27 vrurg left 14:35 vrurg joined 14:38 vrurg_ left 14:47 vrurg_ joined 14:50 vrurg left
Geth rakudo/main: bd43800b14 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.e/Format.rakumod
Make the Format class a Callable

So that this can work:
   use v6.e.PREVIEW;
   my constant &logger = Format.new("%04d - %s\n");
   for lines {
   print logger $0, $1;
gfldex m: class C does Callable { method CALL-ME(*@a) {} }; sub d(|) {}; my &e = &d o C; 22:10
camelia No such method 'arity' for invocant of type 'C'. Did you mean 'Array'?
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
gfldex It also needs method count and I believe that is an ENODOC.
I will also check for ENOSPEC. 22:11
m: class C does Callable { method CALL-ME(*@a) {} }; (1..3) ==> C(); 22:15
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Only routine calls or variables that can '.append' may appear on either side
of feed operators.
at <tmp>:1
------> { method CALL-ME(*@a) {} }; (1..3) ==> āC();
gfldex That's what I actually wanted to do and am not happy with. If the runtime can look for method append, there is nothing stoping it from looking for CALL-ME.
22:45 sena_kun left