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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
07:58 sena_kun joined 08:15 sena_kun left 13:43 foo51 joined 13:44 foo51 left 13:56 raiph joined 14:47 raiph left 17:21 jdv left 17:23 jdv joined 17:31 jdv left 17:35 jdv joined 18:11 MasterDuke joined
MasterDuke anyone have any idea why `make test` in nqp *always* compiles NQPP5QRegex? 18:12
the real question of course is, how to stop it from happening? 18:13
lizmat MasterDuke: I haz no idea 18:16
MasterDuke oh. i think i see it. target 'j-test' requires 'j-all', which required 'P5QREGEX_JVM'
i guess target 'test' requiring 'all' is so if your build is outdated it'll automatically build everything before running the tests 18:18
lizmat that has always been my understanding...
the same rule applies in rakudo, btw 18:19
MasterDuke but why does only NQPP5QRegex get recompiled every time?
lizmat maybe misconfig in make file ?
MasterDuke oh, i think because the P5QREGEX target gens a file first. `$(NOECHO)$(J_GEN_CAT) stage2 $(P5QREGEX_SOURCES) > '$(J_STAGE2_DIR)/$(P5QREGEX_COMBINED)'`, so make always see that the file is new and needs to be recompiled 18:20
lizmat I guess the regen logic should set the last modified info to the highest of the dependent files ? 18:21
MasterDuke hm, maybe i'll give that a try 18:22
lizmat if that works out, then maybe the rakudo build logic should have a similar approach: if you change the 6.e core setting, it still recompiles 6.c and 6.d as well 18:23
when I don't think that would be strictly necessary ?
MasterDuke seems like it shouldn't be needed 18:24
lizmat hmmm maybe the compiler ID depends on the whole source tree ... 18:33
MasterDuke J_LAST_P5QREGEX_SOURCES_MOD_TIME=`for file in $(P5QREGEX_SOURCES); do date --iso-8601=s -r $$file; done | sort -n | tail -n 1` 18:43
does seem to prevent the compilation when i run `make j-test`
lizmat :-)
MasterDuke now how to get that correct in the makefile template... 18:45
lizmat expect no help from me :-( 18:48
MasterDuke i think it's time to take the kids to the playground, will come back to this later... 18:49
but that's bugged me for years, don't know why it took this long to figure out 18:50
lizmat enjoy your kids and the playground! :-) 18:53
22:02 MasterDuke left