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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
08:23 finanalyst joined 08:39 finanalyst left 08:57 sena_kun joined 10:06 finanalyst joined
lizmat in the WTF dept: turns out that removing the "our" from: 10:49
our proto sub last(|) is export {*}
fixes the issue
how that has to do with an unsupported lexical type is beyond me, at least atm 10:50
however, it *is* somehow also linked to uints, as replacing all of them with ints also made the issue go away 10:51
ab5tract Hmm.. I remember seeing an issue about our used in conjunction with export 12:05
R#5495 12:12
linkable6 R#5495 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/5495 [CORE.setting] Binding list to variable with `@' sigil doesn't survive export/import
12:24 greenfork left, patrickb left, patrickb joined, greenfork joined
lizmat hmmm I think that's another issue though 12:32
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