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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
lizmat could someone confirm for me that JSON::Fast currently does not install on Windows ? 14:34
[Coke] how recent a raku do I need to test with? :) 14:44
I already have it installed on windows, doing a forced install 14:45
just did an install on git bash on windows with raku v2023.10+ 14:50
looks like I'll need to test with something more recent. 14:51
lizmat well, I guess it's more important to test it with the most recent version of zef 15:15
[Coke] updating rakudo, will update zef, then try to reinstall 15:17
(Been a while, forgot how I was doing the builds on windows here)
seeing lots of new(?) compier warnings in winbase.h that I don't recall seeing before 15:19
(which is something on the OS, not rakudo)
lizmat looks like Github CI is using zef 0.22.0 rather than 0.22.1 15:37
[Coke] I get the same error with rakudo-latest, zef latest, and trying to install JSON::Fast 0.19 16:00
I'm on a win 10 box. 16:01
ugexe what is the actual failure? you'll have to use --verbose or --debug 16:09
nevermind, see it in lizmats link
ye old path length issue
it looks to be using the `C:\Users\RUNNER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\.zef` temp directory and not /tmp, so maybe that isn't set correctly? 16:10
[Coke] agreed - this avoids the issue until the next path increase: 16:11
mkdir C:\tmp; SET TEMP=C:\tmp; zef install JSON::Fast
I had a similar tmp dir here 16:12
lizmat I wonder whether the path length issue has to do with the fact that the module lives on CPAN ? 16:13
[Coke] Anything we do to avoid it is just a stopgap, need to fix the actual root cause or it'll keep showing up 16:15
(in fact, use C:\t to avoid it for two more characters)
I know we had some WIP on this, I ended up avoiding needing it as a user by moving my scripts that were dying to it to run on mac instead. 16:17
lizmat notable6: weekly 16:19
notable6 lizmat, 1 note: 2024-07-27T18:23:16Z <antononcube>: youtu.be/LmLk9UB4_Ak
lizmat notable6: weekly reset
notable6 lizmat, Moved existing notes to “weekly_2024-07-29T16:19:55Z”
ugexe lizmat: it has to due with every part of those paths being relatively long 16:28
lizmat but I have other modules with long names that work fine on Windows CI 16:29
ugexe what matters is the total path length, and the path length is also influenced by the compunit repository that backs it, i.e. what the path prefix is 16:30
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/07/29/2024-...drianally/
ugexe for instance how we use sha1s in many spots when something shorter might technically work 16:31
of course the real fix here is to make long paths work on windows
github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/pull/1776 for instance 16:32
lizmat we definitely have a too low bus factor there :-( 16:35
Geth rakudo/main: 6e6ce83a5c | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/contributors.raku
Include contributions to doc website as well

This would have included Richard Hainsworth as a contributor to the 2024.07 release
lizmat jdv: ^^ fyi
jdv cool 17:27
i didn't know there was that distinction 17:28
[Coke] lizmat++ finanlyst++ 17:48
Geth rakudo/rakuast-phase-cleanup: c987ce13d1 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/Raku/ast/variable-declaration.rakumod
RakuAST: fix generated accessor methods looking at wrong signature

Current scope for the method and it's signature's BEGIN handlers was the surrounding scope (usually the package) of the declaration, not the method itself.
nine Turns out, I was completely off in my earlier attempt to fix role R { my $.e; } in rakuast-phase-cleanup. Sometimes a two month break and a fresh start can help a lot :) 19:59
[Coke] ^_^ 20:27