04:47 vrurg joined 04:48 vrurg_ left
lizmat timo: I'd say: yes, but what ? 08:13
*what with
08:31 sena_kun joined
Geth rakudo/main: 066afa401c | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | t/12-rakuast/xx-fixed-in-rakuast.rakutest
Add test for #2360
rakudo/main: 8b61f16776 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | t/12-rakuast/xx-fixed-in-rakuast.rakutest
Add test for #2362
roast: c3e2e7685b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S04-phasers/enter-leave.t
Add tests for #2380
lizmat m: sub a(|c) { dd c }; a(1;2) # where is this behaviour documented ? 11:00
camelia \((1,), (2,))
lizmat [Coke] ^^ ?? 11:01
11:18 sjn left
Geth nqp/main: d280677bd7 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/QRegex/Cursor.nqp
Micro-optimize Match!cursor_init a bit

If working on a freshly created object, it is not necessary to initialize the $!from / $!pos attributes, as they're native ints that are created with 0
11:30 sjn joined
Geth rakudo/main: 427f8b7a1a | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/templates/NQP_REVISION
Bump NQP for Match!cursor_init micro-opt
12:46 sjn_ joined
Geth roast: 8498f84f10 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S02-names-vars/signature.t
Add test for #2416
[Coke] docs.raku.org/language/signatures#...parameters 13:58
timo lizmat: literally anything that's got some "binary" bytes in it 14:30
lizmat so maybe it's a matter of just changing the extension of that file? 14:31
notable6__: weekly 14:39
notable6__ lizmat, 1 note: 2024-10-04T09:22:02Z <lizmat>: github.com/zag/raku-knowledge-base
lizmat notable6__: weekly reset
notable6__ lizmat, Moved existing notes to ā€œweekly_2024-10-07T14:39:48Zā€
timo no the extension is already .bin, lintian looks at the contents and sees that we're trying to smuggle an elf through 14:59
i mean, we could also turn the first couple of bytes into something not elf-compatible 15:03
but clearly someone just took any random library or executable from parrot, chopped it off at the desired size and plopped it in there
lizmat wouldn't something like: my $a := buf16.new; $a.push($_) for ^1000; "wop".IO.spurt($a) do the trick? 15:05
[Coke] timo: where is this .bin file? 15:12
timo t/spec/S32-io/socket-test.bin 15:15
lizmat: it probably could, actually
15:15 sjn_ left
timo this is only vaguely related, but "magical binary files in the test data" was how the xz-utils backdoor was disguised 15:16
well, it was one part of the disguise 15:27
Geth roast: efe9245fd4 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S32-io/socket-test.bin
Create non-sensical binary file for testing
lizmat timo: ^^ would this be better ?
timo looks good 15:30
lizmat actually, we don't need the file at all 15:41
Geth roast: 2306979015 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 3 files
Don't need a binary file to test binary IO

Just create a blob during testing in memory. This should make the debian people a lot happier
lizmat timo: ^^ a better fix
timo well, "the debian people" didn't really complain, i just saw an automated checking tool point it out 15:47
lizmat hehe... well, if debian people would look at that output, they would complain no?
timo i'm actually not 100% sure if the t/spec/ should be part of the source package at all, and i'm not sure if maybe i broke something to cause them to be there when previously they weren't 15:48
lizmat do they run "make spectest" ?
jdv iirc its 6.d that in the src tarball, probably by acvident 15:56
6d errata spec i mean
timo only "make test" is run for the "autopkgtest" thing 16:01
there are a whole bunch of warnings when building that files have been removed or something that i don't yet really understand what causes them 16:03
salsa.debian.org/timotimo-guest/ra...86574#L146 here's an example output from lintian mentioning the .bin file, timotimo-guest.pages.debian.net/-/...ntian.html has it in pretty html (but the links that are supposed to explain the error codes are all dead links) 16:16
[Coke] Looks like lots of instance of 'allows to' in rakudo src, but not sure where the man page is defined, I'm sure I've seen it recently on the debian side... 16:30
timo yeah it's generated from stuff in the debian/ folder 16:31
pod2man --name=perl6 docs/running.pod debian/perl6.1 16:32
[Coke] forgot how nice "authorize git over ssh with touch id" was. 16:44
Geth roast: 9f75bc5d2c | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S14-roles/composition.t
Add test for #2418
rakudo/main: a60b4e7d2b | (Will Coleda)++ | docs/running.pod
Fix grammar issue

noticed by debian++ build process.
[Coke] Not to erase history, but is it worth keeping Reini & Moritz listed explicitly on the docs/running.pod page? 16:49
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/10/07/2024-41-knowlite/ 16:52
timo how do you feel about me picking nits in the weeklies? 17:05
lizmat I welcome nits :-) 17:06
.oO( they're a great band )
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un0VLiPKKyg :-) 17:12
Geth rakudo/main: c9d03adff9 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/Raku/ast/statements.rakumod
RakuAST: PAST is a thing of the past

In light of github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2431
rakudo/main: 0774293522 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Num.rakumod
Fix LTA error message on num % / ** num

The problem is really that *returning* a Failure from a sub that has a native return constraint **dies**, rather than passing on the Failure.
If however a CONTROL message is used to return a Failure, all is well. So work around this issue by using `fail` with the Failure rather than just returning it.
Fixes #2434
roast: e2d90988f9 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S02-types/num.t
Add tests for #2434
rakudo/main: 0fc7d45f66 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 5 files
Make Iterable:U.flat do the right thing

This also exposed a bug in Iterable.flat in that it was **NOT** marked as "nodal". Now that there's only one proto with "is nodal" the Iterable:D.flat also became nodal.
This in turn exposed a faulty test in S03-metaops/hyper.t, which will be fixed shortly.
Fixes #2442
roast: 7afb05d9c3 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Adapt some .flat tests

in light of github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/0fc7d45f66
roast: 789419a1ec | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S02-types/flattening.t
Add tests for #2442
20:31 [Coke] left 22:28 sena_kun left