AlexDaniel tyil++ 00:08
moritz downloads and tests the RC1 07:01
|Tux| Rakudo version 2019.11-102-g382d18bda - MoarVM version 2019.07.1-403-g9442b1a7c
csv-ip5xs0.707 - 0.726
csv-ip5xs-206.342 - 6.473
csv-parser21.540 - 22.078
csv-test-xs-200.420 - 0.431
test7.085 - 7.842
test-t1.716 - 1.786
test-t --race0.805 - 0.885
test-t-2029.761 - 29.901
test-t-20 --race9.182 - 9.266
eater did this grant get accepted? I don't see any updates about it afterwards 13:52
lizmat afaik Kaipei is still working on it ? 13:56
sena_kun eater: the grant was accepted, but work on it is slow, alas.
Kaiepi is working on it
eater ah cool 14:02
I've long ago made the first steps for Unix socket support, but I never got the Rakudo side done (IO::Socket::INET has unix socket support in Moar!), and wanted to take a shot again, but I guess I'll have to poke them for that 14:04
sena_kun eater: yes, the best way would be to ping Kaiepi and ask about the state of things 14:05
tyil eater: o/ 14:17
tbrowder .seen tony-o 17:36
tellable6 tbrowder, I saw tony-o 2019-11-26T19:06:07Z in #raku: <tony-o> ( [Coke] japhb )++
tbrowder .tell tony-o I heard from Jan Schulte, the Travis Engineer, he said he had increased our build time to 90 minutes, so maybe we can roast on Rakudo builds. 17:40
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to tony-o
Geth rakudo/travisci.roast: dbe1fdadda | tonyo++ | .travis.yml
travis ci roast
tony-o is there a way to disable that for specific branches? 18:04
err oops, thought i forked it 18:05
Geth rakudo/travisci.roast: 94ab98ac3f | tonyo++ | .travis.yml
travis ci roast
Geth rakudo/travisci.roast: 91adaac43e | tonyo++ | .travis.yml
spectest exceeds log length
tyil moritz: did you find any issues with r* rc1? 19:29
travis-ci Rakudo build errored. tonyo 'spectest exceeds log length' 20:04
moritz tyil: only got to the build so far, and that worked 21:23
got a few TODO passed in rakudo spectest 21:35
make modules-test fails: 21:36
Geth rakudo/travisci.roast: 4842586bb9 | tonyo++ | .travis.yml
spectest causes no output reaper
travis-ci Rakudo build failed. tonyo 'spectest causes no output reaper' 22:01
Geth rakudo/travisci.roast: 27013d470c | tonyo++ | .travis.yml
spectest causes no output reaper